7477 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
8938 DirectXMesh

DirectXMesh geometry processing library

https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXMesh MIT Chuck Walbourn 93% Badge level for project 8938 is 93%
8939 DirectXTK

The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++

https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXTK MIT Chuck Walbourn 97% Badge level for project 8939 is 97%
8940 DirectXTK12

The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK12) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++

https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXTK12 MIT Chuck Walbourn 97% Badge level for project 8940 is 97%
8941 stanford-affils

Stanford ClinGen's affiliations service

https://github.com/ClinGen/stanford-affils MIT Liam Mulhall 24% Badge level for project 8941 is 24%
8942 DirectXMath

DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps

https://github.com/microsoft/DirectXMath MIT Chuck Walbourn 91% Badge level for project 8942 is 91%
8943 BasicAuth

Allows adding RFC 2617 Basic Auth to Azure App Service

https://github.com/joelbyford/BasicAuth MIT Joel Byford 42% Badge level for project 8943 is 42%
8944 CSVtoJSONcore

A dotnet implementation of a CSV to JSON restful API.

https://github.com/joelbyford/CSVtoJSONcore MIT Joel Byford 25% Badge level for project 8944 is 25%
8945 ipcheck

IPcheck enables the quick research of IP addresses without the need to open a browser

https://github.com/EpykLab/ipcheck MIT Mockingjay 15% Badge level for project 8945 is 15%
8947 Hitobito

A web application to manage complex group hierarchies with members, events and a lot more.

https://hitobito.com AGPL-3.0 Olivier Brian 2024-09-05 13:33:03 104% Badge level for project 8947 is 104%
8948 nuxtjs

Server build

https://nuxtjs-blue-alpha.vercel.app Shellnco 12% Badge level for project 8948 is 12%
8949 git-lister

List supporters of your repo in the README ⭐

https://gitlister.vercel.app MIT Mohammed Taha 15% Badge level for project 8949 is 15%
8950 MBBEFDLite

MBBEFDLite is an R package which provides the probability mass, distribution, quantile, random variate generation, and method of moments parameter estimation...

https://github.com/aadler/MBBEFDLite MPL-2.0 Avraham Adler 2024-05-16 14:44:15 283% Badge level for project 8950 is 283%
8951 Healthcare Data Exchange

A FHIR based integration and interoperability platform to support a regional healthcare network.

https://github.com/dorset-ics/healthcare-data-exchange MIT Avishay Balter 99% Badge level for project 8951 is 99%
8952 FileTrove

FileTrove indexes many files fast, detects their types and creates metadata for long term preservation. It also checks if a file is in the NSRL and supports...

https://filetrove.fritz.wtf AGPL-3.0 Steffen / ampoff 2024-05-29 20:22:03 109% Badge level for project 8952 is 109%
8953 mixed_meal_model_sbml

Codebase for building the SBML version of the MixedMealModel

https://github.com/Computational-Biology-TUe/mixed_meal_model_sbml Apache-2.0 Walter Baccinelli 70% Badge level for project 8953 is 70%
8954 react-native-style-tachyons

Better styling for React Native

https://github.com/tachyons-css/react-native-style-tachyons Apache-2.0 Fabian Zeindl 2024-05-17 13:42:36 105% Badge level for project 8954 is 105%
8955 OZG Security Challenge - Best Practice Scanner

Scanner component of the OZG Security Challenge quick test (project of the German Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community and the Federal Office for...

https://gitlab.opencode.de/bmi/ozg-rahmenarchitektur/ozgsec/ozgsec-best-practice-scanner EUPL-1.2 Sebastian Kawelke 2024-05-17 17:17:31 144% Badge level for project 8955 is 144%
8956 podinfo

Go microservice template for Kubernetes

https://github.com/tbowman01/podinfo Apache-2.0 tbowman01 18% Badge level for project 8956 is 18%
8957 x-ruby

A Ruby interface to the X API.

https://github.com/sferik/x-ruby MIT Erik Berlin 19% Badge level for project 8957 is 19%
8958 ossify-scorecard

test ossf scorecard that is spelled wrong

https://gitlab.dsf.boozallencsn.com/bdsf/ossify-scorecard tbowman01 3% Badge level for project 8958 is 3%
8959 bf-sample-java-v1.git https://gitlab.dsf.boozallencsn.com/bdsf/bf-sample-java-v1.git tbowman01 3% Badge level for project 8959 is 3%
8960 CycloneDX SBOM plugin for yarn

Create CycloneDX Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) from Node.js Yarn projects.

https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-node-yarn#readme Apache-2.0 Jan Kowalleck 2024-05-18 14:04:16 115% Badge level for project 8960 is 115%
8961 Joker-virus-bochi https://github.com/Bochimaster123/Joker-virus-bochi ex 3% Badge level for project 8961 is 3%
8962 vlecture-api

vlecture.tech is your notetaking companion for all your lectures! Record your lecture on your phone, upload it to the app, and get your AI-generated notes...

https://github.com/vlecture/vlecture-api Daffa Muhammad Faizan 27% Badge level for project 8962 is 27%
8963 python-weather

A free and asynchronous weather API wrapper made in python, for python.

https://python-weather.rtfd.io MIT null 16% Badge level for project 8963 is 16%
8964 png2webp

Simple command-line batch PNG to WebP converter (and vice versa).

https://github.com/landfillbaby/png2webp UNLICENSE Lucy Phipps 16% Badge level for project 8964 is 16%
8965 dev

small tool to standardize builds across projects.

https://github.com/dyercode/dev GPL-3.0 Jon Dyer 28% Badge level for project 8965 is 28%
8966 cli

the package manager for JavaScript

https://docs.npmjs.com/cli OTHER Danny courtney 16% Badge level for project 8966 is 16%
8967 pism

Parallel Ice Sheet Model (PISM)

https://pism.io GPL-3.0 Constantine Khrulev 94% Badge level for project 8967 is 94%
8968 parsl

Parsl - a Python parallel scripting library

http://parsl-project.org Apache-2.0 Daniel S. Katz 33% Badge level for project 8968 is 33%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry), and user id