7723 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
1491 test-noxys https://github.com/oxyno-zeta/test-noxys MIT Havrileck Alexandre 15% 项目1491的徽章级别为15%
1501 dangerAreaService https://github.com/dcorteztec/dangerAreaService David de Amorim Cortez 13% 项目1501的徽章级别为13%
1502 beacon-platform

Code samples for Google's beacon platform

https://github.com/Noemandn/beacon-platform Norman Nylund 12% 项目1502的徽章级别为12%
1503 java-design-patterns

Design patterns implemented in Java

https://github.com/iluwatar/java-design-patterns MIT Zafar Khaydarov 87% 项目1503的徽章级别为87%
1504 openrw

OpenRW "Open ReWrite" is an un-official open source recreation of the classic Grand Theft Auto III game executable

http://openrw.org GPL-3.0 Filip 16% 项目1504的徽章级别为16%
1505 yajcms

Yet another java CMS

http://www.yajcms.org GPL-3.0 Anton V Chunikhin 16% 项目1505的徽章级别为16%
1506 builder

Package creation utility

https://github.com/waghanza/builder MIT Marwan Rabbâa 93% 项目1506的徽章级别为93%
1507 getMyIP

python 3 script witch get ip address and notify by email.

https://github.com/massinissa-boutrig/getMyIP - 10% 项目1507的徽章级别为10%
1508 node-bacstack

A BACnet protocol stack written in pure JavaScript

https://github.com/fh1ch/node-bacstack MIT Fabio Huser 75% 项目1508的徽章级别为75%
1510 minesweeper

API for setting up a Minesweeper game environment in its simplicity and robustness

https://github.com/rrborja/minesweeper GPL-2.0+ Ritchie Borja 19% 项目1510的徽章级别为19%
1511 edumips64

Free cross-platform educational MIPS64 CPU Simulator

https://www.edumips.org GPL-2.0 Andrea Spadaccini 2017-12-29 20:53:32 109% 项目1511的徽章级别为109%
1513 calypso http://www.rachlenko.com/calypso rachlenko 7% 项目1513的徽章级别为7%
1515 vscode-docs

Public documentation for Visual Studio Code

http://code.visualstudio.com/docs andrew 10% 项目1515的徽章级别为10%
1516 ovirt-engine

This is a mirror for http://gerrit.ovirt.org, for issues use http://bugzilla.redhat.com

https://github.com/oVirt/ovirt-engine Apache-2.0 Roy Golan 18% 项目1516的徽章级别为18%
1517 documentManager

Document Manager System built with Symfon4 & ApiPlatform

https://github.com/matthieuleorat/documentManager MIT Matthieu 13% 项目1517的徽章级别为13%
1519 ONAP AAI UI (sparky-fe)

The ONAP AAI UI is a service that interacts with ONAP AAI and provides users with a user interface to view and analyze AAI data. The main goal behind AAI UI...

https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Active+and+Available+Inventory+Project Apache-2.0 mrsjackson76 2019-05-09 13:14:21 191% 项目1519的徽章级别为191%
1520 node

Node.js JavaScript runtime :sparkles::turtle::rocket::sparkles:

https://nodejs.org Saurabh tyagi 18% 项目1520的徽章级别为18%
1521 multifwf

Read a table of fixed width formatted data of different types into a data.frame for each type.

https://github.com/prontog/multifwf GPL-3.0 Panos Rontogiannis 21% 项目1521的徽章级别为21%
1522 0-core

Multi Node OS which requires no install.

https://github.com/hanawa-suzuki/0-core Hanawa.suzuki 16% 项目1522的徽章级别为16%
1523 in-toto

in-toto is a framework to protect supply chain integrity.

https://in-toto.io Apache 2.0 Lukas Puehringer 2018-01-05 21:31:54 300% 项目1523的徽章级别为300%
1524 json_rest_android


https://bitbucket.org/gal20040/json_rest_android Artem Grodeckiy 3% 项目1524的徽章级别为3%
1525 btc-cli-tdd

A CLI to convert BTC to any currency using tdd.

https://github.com/leomendesm/btc-cli-tdd MIT Leonardo Mendes Miraglia 15% 项目1525的徽章级别为15%
1527 blogs.zemuldo.com

Blog Application. Manages articles. Build on react.

http://blogs.zemuldo.com Danstan Otieno Onyango 9% 项目1527的徽章级别为9%
1529 iso_8583

JavaScript library :seedling::moneybag: for iso 8583 messaging. Handles message conversion of between interfaces using iso8583 standard. Demo at...

https://www.npmjs.com/package/iso_8583 Apache-2.0 Danstan Otieno Onyango 15% 项目1529的徽章级别为15%
1530 TransferGrid

This library uses reflection to create a JavaFX GridPane with all annoted variables aswell as fields to edit them.

https://github.com/FancyJavaStuff/TransferGrid MIT Ricardo 18% 项目1530的徽章级别为18%
1531 Morfeo

A simple CLI for analyze processes such as Node.js, Ruby, Java and gooes on, to catch up the exit code, the language version and the Git origin for Git based...

https://github.com/Horaddrim/Morfeo GPL-3.0 Igor Franca 52% 项目1531的徽章级别为52%
1532 Yed

Pequeños y útiles programas escritos en Bash.

https://alvarito050506.github.io/Yed OTHER Alvarito050506 2018-01-07 02:11:50 96% 项目1532的徽章级别为96%
1533 txsni

Simple support for running a TLS server with Twisted.

https://github.com/glyph/txsni MIT Glyph 15% 项目1533的徽章级别为15%
1534 bootCI

Scripts for installing software tools in the project directory without root and with minimal prerequisites

https://wtanaka.com/node/8268 Wesley Tanaka 10% 项目1534的徽章级别为10%
1536 steamcommunity http://steamcommunity.com - 1% 项目1536的徽章级别为1%

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