7723 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
1537 jamesmcdermott.tech

Static site written with Node.js. Hosted at jamesmcdermott.tech.

http://jamesmcdermott.tech GPL-3.0 James Mc Dermott 13% 项目1537的徽章级别为13%
1539 dcurooms

A command line tool used to display room information and book and request rooms.

https://github.com/theycallmemac/dcurooms GPL-3.0 James Mc Dermott 31% 项目1539的徽章级别为31%
1540 CLI

Provides Industry first CLI platform for developing CLI in declarative mode called "Open Command Line Interface Platform(OCLIP)". It also provides CLI for...

https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Command+Line+Interface+Project Apache-2.0 mrsjackson76 2018-01-30 12:30:32 111% 项目1540的徽章级别为111%
1541 Alprint

[Al]pine + Octop[rint]

https://github.com/MastaaK/Alprint - 10% 项目1541的徽章级别为10%
1542 csso-rails

CSS Optimizer(csso) ruby wrapper for Rails Asset pipeline

https://github.com/Vasfed/csso-rails Vasily Fedoseyev 13% 项目1542的徽章级别为13%
1543 NinetyNineProblems

.NET core translations of Ninety-Nine Haskell Problems.

https://github.com/Frederick-S/NinetyNineProblems MIT - 18% 项目1543的徽章级别为18%
1544 pyhodl

Static analysis of your crypto-transactions. Completely off-line and security-oriented

https://sirfoga.github.io/pyhodl Apache-2.0 Stefano Fogarollo 18% 项目1544的徽章级别为18%
1545 web

Badamer, badminton manager

MIT Marwan Rabbâa 73% 项目1545的徽章级别为73%
1546 SharpPaste

Cross-platform C# pastebin with client-side AES-256 encryption that just works.

https://github.com/phonicmouse/SharpPaste MIT Phonic Mouse 18% 项目1546的徽章级别为18%
1547 elib https://github.com/132nd-etcher/elib 132nd-etcher 10% 项目1547的徽章级别为10%
1548 epab https://github.com/132nd-etcher/epab MIT 132nd-etcher 22% 项目1548的徽章级别为22%
1549 k8s https://github.com/tensorflow/k8s Ce Gao 3% 项目1549的徽章级别为3%
1550 USBasp

USBasp originally from http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/

https://github.com/wenhuizhang/USBasp Wenhui Zhang 12% 项目1550的徽章级别为12%
1551 adv-net-samples

Useful C code for networking, data structures, and more

https://github.com/gwAdvNet2015/adv-net-samples MIT Wenhui Zhang 15% 项目1551的徽章级别为15%
1553 visor-android

visor - low vision magnifier

https://github.com/kloener/visor-android Apache-2.0 Christian Illies 15% 项目1553的徽章级别为15%
1554 Arrow

The Arrow Discord Bot source code.

https://github.com/FozzieHi/Arrow Apache-2.0 George 15% 项目1554的徽章级别为15%
1555 SSO https://github.com/NvdLaan/SSO Oscar Wieman 10% 项目1555的徽章级别为10%
1556 cdzz


https://github.com/DiamondYuan/cdzz DiamondYuan 10% 项目1556的徽章级别为10%
1557 goreporter

A Golang tool that does static analysis, unit testing, code review and generate code quality report.

https://github.com/360EntSecGroup-Skylar/goreporter Apache-2.0 Wang Guoliang 15% 项目1557的徽章级别为15%
1558 brig

A file synchronization tool on top of ipfs (and more!)

http://sahib.github.io/brig/public AGPL-3.0 Chris Pahl 87% 项目1558的徽章级别为87%
1559 http

HTTP (The Gem! a.k.a. http.rb) - a fast Ruby HTTP client with a chainable API, streaming support, and timeouts

https://github.com/httprb/http MIT Alexey Zapparov 18% 项目1559的徽章级别为18%
1560 dockerctx

Context manager for managing the lifetime of a docker container

https://github.com/cjrh/dockerctx MIT Cameron 15% 项目1560的徽章级别为15%
1561 c2go

⚖️ A tool for transpiling C to Go.

https://github.com/elliotchance/c2go MIT Konstantin 15% 项目1561的徽章级别为15%
1562 ValidationFramework

A small, beauty and testable validation framework

https://github.com/andrekirst/ValidationFramework MIT andrekirst 16% 项目1562的徽章级别为16%
1564 hercules https://github.com/vmarkovtsev/hercules OTHER Vadim Markovtsev 18% 项目1564的徽章级别为18%
1566 cws

Cryptographic WebStore, is a SOAP/REST based WebService, to use between Persistence & Database Layer. Allowing safely encrypted data sharing between multiple...

https://github.com/JavaDogs/cws Apache-2.0 Kim Jensen 2018-03-05 10:09:56 109% 项目1566的徽章级别为109%
1567 moge

An experimental game engine.

https://github.com/aschroeder/moge Apache-2.0 Alexander Schröder 18% 项目1567的徽章级别为18%
1568 AutolabJS

Auto evaluation software for programming projects and assignments. This repository contains AutolabJS server.

https://autolabjs.github.io GPL-3.0 Prasad Talasila 96% 项目1568的徽章级别为96%
1570 haproxy-auth-request

auth-request allows you to add access control to your HTTP services based on a subrequest to a configured haproxy backend.

https://github.com/TimWolla/haproxy-auth-request MIT Tim Düsterhus 52% 项目1570的徽章级别为52%
1571 cheroot

Cheroot is the high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy.

https://cheroot.readthedocs.io/en/latest BSD-3-Clause Sviatoslav Sydorenko 66% 项目1571的徽章级别为66%

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