
Projects that follow the best practices below can voluntarily self-certify and show that they've achieved an Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) best practices badge.

If this is your project, please show your badge status on your project page! The badge status looks like this: Badge level for project 4173 is passing Here is how to embed it:

These are the Passing level criteria. You can also view the Silver or Gold level criteria.


 Basics 13/13

  • Identification

    Kubernetes networking based on Open vSwitch

    What programming language(s) are used to implement the project?
  • Basic project website content

    The project website MUST succinctly describe what the software does (what problem does it solve?). [description_good]

    The project website MUST provide information on how to: obtain, provide feedback (as bug reports or enhancements), and contribute to the software. [interact]

    La información sobre cómo contribuir DEBE explicar el proceso de contribución (por ejemplo, ¿se utilizan "pull requests" en el proyecto?) (URL required) [contribution]

    Non-trivial contribution file in repository:

    The information on how to contribute SHOULD include the requirements for acceptable contributions (e.g., a reference to any required coding standard). (URL required) [contribution_requirements]
  • FLOSS license

    What license(s) is the project released under?

    The software produced by the project MUST be released as FLOSS. [floss_license]

    The Apache-2.0 license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

    It is SUGGESTED that any required license(s) for the software produced by the project be approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). [floss_license_osi]

    The Apache-2.0 license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

    The project MUST post the license(s) of its results in a standard location in their source repository. (URL required) [license_location]

    Non-trivial license location file in repository:

  • Documentation

    The project MUST provide basic documentation for the software produced by the project. [documentation_basics]

    Some documentation basics file contents found.

    The project MUST provide reference documentation that describes the external interface (both input and output) of the software produced by the project. [documentation_interface]

    API reference is available on the website:

    Documentation of Golang types for the API resources may also be of interest:

  • Other

    The project sites (website, repository, and download URLs) MUST support HTTPS using TLS. [sites_https]

    The project MUST have one or more mechanisms for discussion (including proposed changes and issues) that are searchable, allow messages and topics to be addressed by URL, enable new people to participate in some of the discussions, and do not require client-side installation of proprietary software. [discussion]

    GitHub supports discussions on issues and pull requests.

    The project SHOULD provide documentation in English and be able to accept bug reports and comments about code in English. [english]

    The project MUST be maintained. [maintained]

(Advanced) What other users have additional rights to edit this badge entry? Currently: []

  • Repositorio público para el control de versiones de código fuente

    El proyecto DEBE tener un repositorio público para el control de versiones de código fuente que sea legible públicamente y tenga URL. [repo_public]

    Repository on GitHub, which provides public git repositories with URLs.

    El repositorio fuente del proyecto DEBE rastrear qué cambios se realizaron, quién realizó los cambios y cuándo se realizaron los cambios. [repo_track]

    Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made.

    To enable collaborative review, the project's source repository MUST include interim versions for review between releases; it MUST NOT include only final releases. [repo_interim]

    Main branch: We also have release branches for cherry-picking patches.

    It is SUGGESTED that common distributed version control software be used (e.g., git) for the project's source repository. [repo_distributed]

    Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed.

  • Numeración única de versión

    The project results MUST have a unique version identifier for each release intended to be used by users. [version_unique]

    We use semantic versioning for release tagging. List of releases: Documentation about our versioning policy:

    It is SUGGESTED that the Semantic Versioning (SemVer) or Calendar Versioning (CalVer) version numbering format be used for releases. It is SUGGESTED that those who use CalVer include a micro level value. [version_semver]

    It is SUGGESTED that projects identify each release within their version control system. For example, it is SUGGESTED that those using git identify each release using git tags. [version_tags]

    We create a git tag for each new release. List of releases: Documentation about our versioning policy:

  • Notas de lanzamiento

    The project MUST provide, in each release, release notes that are a human-readable summary of major changes in that release to help users determine if they should upgrade and what the upgrade impact will be. The release notes MUST NOT be the raw output of a version control log (e.g., the "git log" command results are not release notes). Projects whose results are not intended for reuse in multiple locations (such as the software for a single website or service) AND employ continuous delivery MAY select "N/A". (URL required) [release_notes]

    The release notes MUST identify every publicly known run-time vulnerability fixed in this release that already had a CVE assignment or similar when the release was created. This criterion may be marked as not applicable (N/A) if users typically cannot practically update the software themselves (e.g., as is often true for kernel updates). This criterion applies only to the project results, not to its dependencies. If there are no release notes or there have been no publicly known vulnerabilities, choose N/A. [release_notes_vulns]

    We haven't had CVEs for Antrea so far

  • Bug-reporting process

    The project MUST provide a process for users to submit bug reports (e.g., using an issue tracker or a mailing list). (URL required) [report_process]

    The project SHOULD use an issue tracker for tracking individual issues. [report_tracker]

    We use the Github issue tracker:

    The project MUST acknowledge a majority of bug reports submitted in the last 2-12 months (inclusive); the response need not include a fix. [report_responses]

    The project SHOULD respond to a majority (>50%) of enhancement requests in the last 2-12 months (inclusive). [enhancement_responses]

    El proyecto DEBE tener un archivo públicamente disponible para informes y respuestas para búsquedas posteriores. (URL required) [report_archive]

    Github issues search function:

  • Proceso de informe de vulnerabilidad

    The project MUST publish the process for reporting vulnerabilities on the project site. (URL required) [vulnerability_report_process]

    If private vulnerability reports are supported, the project MUST include how to send the information in a way that is kept private. (URL required) [vulnerability_report_private]

    The project's initial response time for any vulnerability report received in the last 6 months MUST be less than or equal to 14 days. [vulnerability_report_response]

    No vulnerability report received yet for the project

  • Working build system

    Si el software generado por el proyecto requiere ser construido para su uso, el proyecto DEBE proporcionar un sistema de compilación que pueda satisfactoriamente reconstruir automáticamente el software a partir del código fuente. [build]

    Non-trivial build file in repository:

    Se SUGIERE que se utilicen herramientas comunes para construir el software. [build_common_tools]

    Non-trivial build file in repository:

    El proyecto DEBERÍA ser construible usando solo herramientas FLOSS. [build_floss_tools]

    The only required software to build the project are make and Docker (Community Edition is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license)

  • Automated test suite

    The project MUST use at least one automated test suite that is publicly released as FLOSS (this test suite may be maintained as a separate FLOSS project). The project MUST clearly show or document how to run the test suite(s) (e.g., via a continuous integration (CI) script or via documentation in files such as,, or [test]

    Un conjunto de pruebas DEBERÍA ser invocable de forma estándar para ese lenguaje. [test_invocation]

    "make test-unit" to run the unit tests, or using "go test" directly

    Instructions to run e2e tests:

    It is SUGGESTED that the test suite cover most (or ideally all) the code branches, input fields, and functionality. [test_most]

    We are in the process of automating measurement of the code coverage provided by the test suite. When this is automated, results will be published and updated for every commit.

    It is SUGGESTED that the project implement continuous integration (where new or changed code is frequently integrated into a central code repository and automated tests are run on the result). [test_continuous_integration]

    Github actions for unit tests, integration tests and part of the e2e test suite:

    Jenkins for more advanced e2e tests (that require more time / compute resources):

  • New functionality testing

    The project MUST have a general policy (formal or not) that as major new functionality is added to the software produced by the project, tests of that functionality should be added to an automated test suite. [test_policy]

    The policy is in place and maintainers will not accept patches for new functionality without sufficient test coverage provided by the CI test suite. See

    The project MUST have evidence that the test_policy for adding tests has been adhered to in the most recent major changes to the software produced by the project. [tests_are_added]

    Release notes include links to Github Pull Requests for all major changes since the last release. Pull Requests which add new functionality to the project must include test cases which will be run as part of the automated test suite.

    It is SUGGESTED that this policy on adding tests (see test_policy) be documented in the instructions for change proposals. [tests_documented_added]

    Documented here: Description of the different categories of tests, with the purpose of each one, here:

  • Banderas de advertencia

    The project MUST enable one or more compiler warning flags, a "safe" language mode, or use a separate "linter" tool to look for code quality errors or common simple mistakes, if there is at least one FLOSS tool that can implement this criterion in the selected language. [warnings]

    Go tests are run with the "-race" flag top test for race conditions We use golangci-lint to run common Go linters: (integrated as part of CI)

    El proyecto DEBE abordar las advertencias. [warnings_fixed]

    Linters are integrated with CI, PR cannot be merged until warnings are addressed

    It is SUGGESTED that projects be maximally strict with warnings in the software produced by the project, where practical. [warnings_strict]

    All warnings are enabled for linters

  • Conocimiento de desarrollo seguro

    The project MUST have at least one primary developer who knows how to design secure software. (See ‘details’ for the exact requirements.) [know_secure_design]

    Several maintainers went through mandatory security training for developing secure software

    At least one of the project's primary developers MUST know of common kinds of errors that lead to vulnerabilities in this kind of software, as well as at least one method to counter or mitigate each of them. [know_common_errors]

    Several maintainers went through mandatory security training for developing secure software

  • Use buenas prácticas criptográficas

    Note that some software does not need to use cryptographic mechanisms. If your project produces software that (1) includes, activates, or enables encryption functionality, and (2) might be released from the United States (US) to outside the US or to a non-US-citizen, you may be legally required to take a few extra steps. Typically this just involves sending an email. For more information, see the encryption section of Understanding Open Source Technology & US Export Controls.

    The software produced by the project MUST use, by default, only cryptographic protocols and algorithms that are publicly published and reviewed by experts (if cryptographic protocols and algorithms are used). [crypto_published]

    Antrea does not use cryptographic protocols and algorithms directly. However cryptographic capabilities are provided for the following:

    1) Traffic between Kubernetes Nodes can be encrypted using IPsec. This is provided through Open vSwitch and strongSwan.

    2) Control plane communication channels are secured using TLS. This is provided though the standard Go cryptographic libraries. If users do not provide their own certificate and private key, Antrea will ask the Kubernetes apiserver library to generate a certificate / key pair using the Go cryptographic libraries. An RSA key length of 2048 bits will be used.

    While the Antrea code uses SHA1, which is vulnerable to attacks, SHA1 is not used for cryptography purposes, but is used to generate identifiers.

    Si el software producido por el proyecto es una aplicación o una librería, y su propósito principal no es implementar criptografía, entonces DEBE SOLAMENTE invocar un software específicamente diseñado para implementar funciones criptográficas; NO DEBERÍA volver a implementar el suyo. [crypto_call]

    Antrea relies on strongSwan ( and the standard Go cryptography libraries.

    All functionality in the software produced by the project that depends on cryptography MUST be implementable using FLOSS. [crypto_floss]

    Antrea relies on strongSwan ( and the standard Go cryptography libraries, which are FLOSS.

    The security mechanisms within the software produced by the project MUST use default keylengths that at least meet the NIST minimum requirements through the year 2030 (as stated in 2012). It MUST be possible to configure the software so that smaller keylengths are completely disabled. [crypto_keylength]

    Antrea ships with a recent version of strongSwan, which uses IKEv2 IPsec connections by default, with the aes128-sha256-modp3072 cipher suite for IKE and the aes128-sha256 cipher suite for ESP, Note that it is possible for user to override the default configuration. The Pre-Shared Key (PKS) for the IPsec tunnels is provided by the user.

    Control plane communications:

    • The Kubernetes apiserver used by the Antrea Controller will by default use TLS 1.2, with a 2048-bit RSA key. The cipher suites used for TLS are the ones implemented by the Go cryptography libraries , excluding the ones with known security issues. The keylengths meet the NIST minimum requirements. Users may elect to provide their own certificate and RSA key for the Antrea Controller. No configuration parameter is provided for users to change the cipher suite used by the Antrea Controller apiserver.

    • For connections from the Antrea components (Agent / Controller) to the Kubernetes apiserver instance, TLS is also used. The cluster administrator is free to configure the Kubernetes apiserver instance (kube-apiserver) as desired, and this is out-of-scope of Antrea. However, Antrea uses client-go ( to connect to kube-apiserver, which requires TLS 1.2 or greater and restricts cipher suites to a secure list.

    The default security mechanisms within the software produced by the project MUST NOT depend on broken cryptographic algorithms (e.g., MD4, MD5, single DES, RC4, Dual_EC_DRBG), or use cipher modes that are inappropriate to the context, unless they are necessary to implement an interoperable protocol (where the protocol implemented is the most recent version of that standard broadly supported by the network ecosystem, that ecosystem requires the use of such an algorithm or mode, and that ecosystem does not offer any more secure alternative). The documentation MUST describe any relevant security risks and any known mitigations if these broken algorithms or modes are necessary for an interoperable protocol. [crypto_working]

    While the Antrea code uses SHA1 directly, which is vulnerable to attacks, SHA1 is not used for cryptography purposes, but is used to generate identifiers. The gosec linter (run as part of CI for every commit) flags direct uses of DES, RC4, MD5 or SHA1 in the Antrea code.

    The TLS v1.2 implementation in the standard Go cryptography library does not use broken cryptographic algorithms by default. In particular cipher suites using RC4 are excluded by default. 3DES cipher suites are included.

    We use a recent strongSwan version that defaults to the aes128-sha256-modp3072 cipher suite for IKE and the aes128-sha256 cipher suite for ESP. Given that both endpoints are configured by Antrea, these are the cipher suites that should be used, even if the charon daemon may include additional defaults.

    The default security mechanisms within the software produced by the project SHOULD NOT depend on cryptographic algorithms or modes with known serious weaknesses (e.g., the SHA-1 cryptographic hash algorithm or the CBC mode in SSH). [crypto_weaknesses]

    See answer above for SHA1. CBC mode may be used in TLS cipher suites, but Antrea does not use SSH.

    The security mechanisms within the software produced by the project SHOULD implement perfect forward secrecy for key agreement protocols so a session key derived from a set of long-term keys cannot be compromised if one of the long-term keys is compromised in the future. [crypto_pfs]

    strongSwan currently does not enforce PFS by default (see Antrea should provide an IPsec configuration file that enables PFS.

    If the software produced by the project causes the storing of passwords for authentication of external users, the passwords MUST be stored as iterated hashes with a per-user salt by using a key stretching (iterated) algorithm (e.g., Argon2id, Bcrypt, Scrypt, or PBKDF2). See also OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet. [crypto_password_storage]

    All authentication is delegated to the K8s apiserver instance.

    The security mechanisms within the software produced by the project MUST generate all cryptographic keys and nonces using a cryptographically secure random number generator, and MUST NOT do so using generators that are cryptographically insecure. [crypto_random]

    When generating a self-signed certificate-key pair for the Antrea Controller, the K8s apiserver library invokes rsa.GenerateKey from the standard Go cryptography library ( The key is generated using a CSPRNG.

    Antrea currently does not directly generate cryptographic key / nonces, but if we do, the gosec linter will warn if the "wrong" random generator is used (rand instead of crypto/rand).

  • Entrega garantizada contra ataques de hombre en el medio (MITM)

    The project MUST use a delivery mechanism that counters MITM attacks. Using https or ssh+scp is acceptable. [delivery_mitm]

    Starting with Antrea v0.10.0, all assets are delivered securely, using a combination of the following mechanisms:

    • Github release assets ( over HTTPS from
    • Dockerhub registry, which uses HTTPS
    • HTTPS delivery from (at the moment this is only used to publish OVS binaries for Windows, which can be used to run Antrea on Windows Kubernetes Nodes)

    A cryptographic hash (e.g., a sha1sum) MUST NOT be retrieved over http and used without checking for a cryptographic signature. [delivery_unsigned]


  • Vulnerabilidades públicamente conocidas corregidas

    There MUST be no unpatched vulnerabilities of medium or higher severity that have been publicly known for more than 60 days. [vulnerabilities_fixed_60_days]

    No security vulnerabilities have been reported yet for the project. We have a well-documented policy to report security issues:

    Projects SHOULD fix all critical vulnerabilities rapidly after they are reported. [vulnerabilities_critical_fixed]

    See above. No security vulnerabilities have been reported yet for the project.

  • Otros problemas de seguridad

    The public repositories MUST NOT leak a valid private credential (e.g., a working password or private key) that is intended to limit public access. [no_leaked_credentials]

    Enforced by code review and through the gosec tool ( which will flag suspected hard-coded credentials.

  • Análisis estático de código

    At least one static code analysis tool (beyond compiler warnings and "safe" language modes) MUST be applied to any proposed major production release of the software before its release, if there is at least one FLOSS tool that implements this criterion in the selected language. [static_analysis]

    We use golangci-lint to run multiple linters as part of CI, and in particular the following ones: staticcheck (, go vet ( and gosec ( The complete list can be found here:

    We also use the LGTM code platform (from Semmle) to run CodeQL queries:

    It is SUGGESTED that at least one of the static analysis tools used for the static_analysis criterion include rules or approaches to look for common vulnerabilities in the analyzed language or environment. [static_analysis_common_vulnerabilities]

    Yes, this is the case for the tools mentioned above (LGTM, staticcheck, go vet, gosec)

    All medium and higher severity exploitable vulnerabilities discovered with static code analysis MUST be fixed in a timely way after they are confirmed. [static_analysis_fixed]

    Linters / static analysis tools are run before accepting any patch into the main branch. If any issue is reported, it will need to be addressed before the patch can be merged. The same tools are also run every time the main branch is updated and for every release.

    It is SUGGESTED that static source code analysis occur on every commit or at least daily. [static_analysis_often]

    Linters / static analysis tools are run before accepting any patch into the main branch.

  • Dynamic code analysis

    It is SUGGESTED that at least one dynamic analysis tool be applied to any proposed major production release of the software before its release. [dynamic_analysis]

    We are not running dynamic code analysis at the moment. We would like to introduce fuzz testing for some of the APIs supported by Antrea, and in particular the NetworkPolicy API. When the project gains more users, we would like to be considered for OSS-Fuzz.

    It is SUGGESTED that if the software produced by the project includes software written using a memory-unsafe language (e.g., C or C++), then at least one dynamic tool (e.g., a fuzzer or web application scanner) be routinely used in combination with a mechanism to detect memory safety problems such as buffer overwrites. If the project does not produce software written in a memory-unsafe language, choose "not applicable" (N/A). [dynamic_analysis_unsafe]

    The software is written in Go.

    It is SUGGESTED that the project use a configuration for at least some dynamic analysis (such as testing or fuzzing) which enables many assertions. In many cases these assertions should not be enabled in production builds. [dynamic_analysis_enable_assertions]

    We are not running dynamic code analysis.

    All medium and higher severity exploitable vulnerabilities discovered with dynamic code analysis MUST be fixed in a timely way after they are confirmed. [dynamic_analysis_fixed]

    We are not running dynamic code analysis.

This data is available under the Creative Commons Attribution version 3.0 or later license (CC-BY-3.0+). All are free to share and adapt the data, but must give appropriate credit. Please credit Antonin Bas and the OpenSSF Best Practices badge contributors.

Project badge entry owned by: Antonin Bas.
Entry created on 2020-07-28 18:06:10 UTC, last updated on 2021-05-18 18:27:48 UTC. Last achieved passing badge on 2020-12-04 22:59:37 UTC.
