7500 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
7969 OpenEEMeter

An open source toolkit for implementing and developing standard methods for calculating normalized metered energy consumption (NMEC) and avoided energy use.

https://eemeter.readthedocs.io Apache-2.0 Travis Sikes 2023-11-21 17:38:22 187% Badge level for project 7969 is 187%
7970 fluentqa-workspace


https://github.com/fluent-qa/fluentqa-workspace Code Revisited 13% Badge level for project 7970 is 13%
7971 pyroll-core

PyRolL is an OpenSource rolling framework, aimed to provide a fast and extensible base for rolling simulation. The current focus lies on groove rolling in...

https://pyroll.readthedocs.io BSD-3-Clause Christoph Renzing 2023-12-08 12:47:05 111% Badge level for project 7971 is 111%

Free Rent (it's called 'sharing') Application Among Neighbours [Decentrilized] platform.

https://github.com/UnoYakshi/FRAAND GPL-3.0-only Willhelm Sokolov 22% Badge level for project 7972 is 22%
7973 uri

A URI Parser

https://github.com/paulhuggett/uri MIT Paul Bowen-Huggett 55% Badge level for project 7973 is 55%
7974 cheathub

Web app for organizing code snippets, with Flask/Python backend, with React/Typescript frontend

https://cheathub.vercel.app MIT Joem Elias Sanez 15% Badge level for project 7974 is 15%
7975 synonym-search

Thesaurus app with React hooks, with Context API, with Material-UI, with Nextjs

https://synonyms.vercel.app Joem Elias Sanez 10% Badge level for project 7975 is 10%
7976 Jami

Created in 2015, Jami, a GNU package, is a peer-to-peer, universal and distributed communication software. Jami's mission is to uphold the right of all...

https://jami.net GPL-3.0-or-later Jami 2023-10-23 18:38:26 111% Badge level for project 7976 is 111%
7977 date_time_picker_widget https://github.com/pasaneramusugoda/date_time_picker_widget MIT Pasan Randula Eramusugoda 16% Badge level for project 7977 is 16%
7978 DragonEngine

A Thin 3D C++ Vulkan Game Engine

https://khrysystem.dev/dragon MIT Michael Piccirillo 70% Badge level for project 7978 is 70%
7979 pstore

A memory-mapped data store.

https://github.com/paulhuggett/pstore OTHER Paul Bowen-Huggett 76% Badge level for project 7979 is 76%
7980 sarxarray

Xarray Extension for Synthetic Aperture Radar Dataset

https://github.com/MotionbyLearning/sarxarray Apache-2.0 Ou Ku 2024-01-15 17:41:57 107% Badge level for project 7980 is 107%
7981 akto

Proactive, Open source API security → API discovery, Testing in CI/CD, Test Library with 150+ Tests, Add custom tests, Sensitive data exposure

https://www.akto.io MIT Ankush Jain 25% Badge level for project 7981 is 25%
7982 pygame

🐍🎮 pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the...

https://www.pygame.org René Dudfield 24% Badge level for project 7982 is 24%
7983 Tootbot

Python bot for cross-posting reddit posts to Mastodon

https://marvinsmastodontools.codeberg.page/tootbot GPL-3.0-only Marvin 90% Badge level for project 7983 is 90%
7984 gno

Gno language & gno.land chain

https://gno.land OTHER Manfred Touron 19% Badge level for project 7984 is 19%
7985 nv

Lightweight utility to load context specific environment variables

https://github.com/jcouture/nv MIT Jean-Philippe Couture 18% Badge level for project 7985 is 18%
7986 dayendar

Dayendar for advanced day calendar operations

https://github.com/racherb/dayendar Apache-2.0 Raciel Hernández 63% Badge level for project 7986 is 63%
7987 mido

MIDI Objects for Python

https://mido.readthedocs.io MIT Raphaël Doursenaud 2023-10-22 18:12:53 180% Badge level for project 7987 is 180%
7988 diffusers

🤗 Diffusers: State-of-the-art diffusion models for image and audio generation in PyTorch

https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/index Apache-2.0 Tolga 19% Badge level for project 7988 is 19%
7989 jelban-js

Another email addresses filter; filters out disposable and addresses' alias

https://github.com/Fcmam5/jelban-js/wiki MIT Fortas Abdeldjalil 16% Badge level for project 7989 is 16%
7990 nest-problem-details

A Nest.js HTTP exceptions filter returning RFC-7807 responses

https://www.npmjs.com/package/nest-problem-details-filter MIT Fortas Abdeldjalil 99% Badge level for project 7990 is 99%
7991 Leosac Key Manager

Key Manager for Access Control and RFID related technologies key storages, by Leosac.

https://leosac.com/key-manager GPL-3.0 Maxime C. 87% Badge level for project 7991 is 87%
7992 iSulad

[mirror]A light weight container runtime daemon for IOT and Cloud infrastructure.

https://gitee.com/openeuler/iSulad Mulan PSL v2 n!Ck 72% Badge level for project 7992 is 72%
7993 Mine https://github.com/Shellnco/Mine Shellnco 10% Badge level for project 7993 is 10%
7994 desktopJS

desktopJS provides a common API across multiple HTML5 containers. By programming to a common API, applications can target multiple HTML5 containers without...

https://github.com/morganstanley/desktopJS Apache-2.0 Brian Ingenito 60% Badge level for project 7994 is 60%
7995 bbbeasy

Easy Multi-purpose Rooms Manager for BigBlueButton, with fine-grained and fully customisable configuration

https://riadvice.tn AGPL-3.0 Ghazi Triki 15% Badge level for project 7995 is 15%
7996 sarama

Sarama is a Go library for Apache Kafka.

https://github.com/IBM/sarama MIT Dominic Evans 2023-10-25 14:31:17 198% Badge level for project 7996 is 198%
7997 Arkime

Arkime is an open source, large scale, full packet capturing, indexing, and database system.

https://arkime.com Apache-2.0 Arkime 2023-10-26 14:31:03 109% Badge level for project 7997 is 109%
7998 pong

Ping clone

https://github.com/Mulling/pong GPL-3.0 Lucas Mülling 18% Badge level for project 7998 is 18%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) y user id