ID | 名称 | 概要 | ウェブサイト | ライセンス | オーナー | 最終達成日時 | 達成率 | バッジ |
10069 | docker- |
Kali Linux as a docker container. |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10070 | docker- |
Docker container with utilities to process JSON data (jq, jsonlint...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10071 | docker- |
Docker container to run QR code generator (qrencode...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10072 | docker- |
Docker container to run PDF manipulation utitilies (pdftk, ghostscript...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10073 | docker- |
Docker container to manipulate images (imagemagick, exiftool...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10074 | docker- |
Docker container with utilities to process YAML files (yamllint...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10075 | docker- |
Docker container with utilities to compute hashes (CRC32, MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, Argon2...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10076 | docker- |
Docker container to run CSV manipulation utitilies (csvkit...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10077 | openid- |
A docker image to test OpenID Connect Providers (OP) using a simple Relying Party (RP). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10078 | docker- |
Docker container to run the AWS CLI and related tools. |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10079 | docker- |
Docker container to verify jars PGP signatures. |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10080 | docker- |
Docker container to run the Maven Versions plugin. |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10081 | docker- |
Docker container to manipulate audiovisual media (ffmpeg, mkvtoolnix, mlt...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10082 | docker- |
Docker container to compress/decompress data (zip, gzip, 7zip, bzip2...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10083 | docker- |
Docker container to cipher/decipher/sign data (gnupg, openssl...). |
https://hub. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 84% | ||
10084 | ristretto | A small library of (hopefully) useful Java classes. |
https://github. |
Apache-2.0 | Thomas Leplus | 87% | ||
10085 | scoresaber- |
Uses ScoreSaber's API to grab ranked info and displays it |
https://github. |
xFutuxe | 12% | |||
10086 | mamba | The Fast Cross-Platform Package Manager |
https://github. |
BSD-3-Clause | Julien Jerphanion | 21% | ||
10087 | DartDart | Dart-Scoreboard written in dart |
https://da- |
GPL-3.0 | da Kai | 15% | ||
10088 | network- |
tooling to run scripts based on network state on a Linux system |
https://github. |
CC0-1.0 | Wes Dean | 16% | ||
10089 | anifuri | A free anime streaming app. |
https://github. |
MIT | Pratham Jaiswal | 15% | ||
10090 | mac_ |
Script escrito en bash shell para conocer el fabricante de la interfaz de red utilizando la dirección MAC |
https://github. |
Apache-2.0 | Arturo Mata | 15% | ||
10091 | manatee | ManaTEE is an open-source project for easily building and deploying data collaboration framework to the cloud using trusted execution environments (TEEs). It... |
https://manatee- |
Apache-2.0 | Haitao Huang | 49% | ||
10092 | tuxedo | Tuxedo is a lightweight, chainable HTTP client library for Go that simplifies working with the standard net/http package. With a clean, intuitive API... |
https://github. |
MIT | Clebson | 39% |
「達成率」フィールドには、ゴールドが300%、シルバーが200%、パスが100%と表示され、獲得した最も高レベルのバッジの後に進行状況が追加されます。次のようにソートすることもできます。 リポジトリのURL、作成日時 (バッジ エントリの)、最終更新日時(バッジ エントリの)、ユーザーID