7477 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
8343 galasa-dev

Galasa is a deep integration testing tool for z/OS powered hybrid cloud applications. It can test applications at scale regardless of platform, interact with...

https://www.github.com/galasa-dev EPL-2.0 Louisa Seers 2024-05-21 18:16:10 122% Badge level for project 8343 is 122%
8344 thecrowler

The CROWler is a specialized web crawler developed to efficiently navigate and index web pages. This tool leverages the robust capabilities of Selenium and...

https://github.com/pzaino/TheCROWler Apache-2.0 Paolo Fabio Zaino 2024-06-04 01:29:01 111% Badge level for project 8344 is 111%
8345 InfraBoard

Cloud infrastructures should be designed and managed collaboratively and visually. Get your IaC standardised.

https://www.infraboard.xerocodee.com Apache-2.0 Arya Soni 15% Badge level for project 8345 is 15%
8347 Shizuku-API

The API and the developer guide for Shizuku and Sui.

https://github.com/Mhmdalimhmd/Shizuku-API MIT Mhmdalimhmd 15% Badge level for project 8347 is 15%
8348 configmate

A universal, practical configuration parser for Python.

https://github.com/ArthurBook/configmate Apache-2.0 Arthur Böök 18% Badge level for project 8348 is 18%
8349 fastify-htmx-ts-starter-kit

Opinionated, no nonsense starter kit for a simple Fastify API + JSX + HTMX application

https://github.com/claudioc/fastify-htmx-ts-starter-kit MIT Claudio Cicali 15% Badge level for project 8349 is 15%
8350 zod-schemas

Zod schemas I reuse across projects

https://jackdbd.github.io/zod-schemas MIT Giacomo Debidda 18% Badge level for project 8350 is 18%
8351 ansible

Ansible is a radically simple IT automation platform that makes your applications and systems easier to deploy. Avoid writing scripts or custom code to...

http://ansible.com GPL-3.0 John R Barker 13% Badge level for project 8351 is 13%
8352 statgo

Access OS metrics from Golang,

https://github.com/bieli/statgo MIT Marcin Bielak 15% Badge level for project 8352 is 15%
8353 lsmods

Command line tool for listing all loaded Linux kernel modules with description

https://github.com/bieli/lsmods Marcin Bielak 13% Badge level for project 8353 is 13%
8354 IoText-data-protocol

Internet of Things data protocol - simplistic text and CSV-friendly IoT data protocol. Options: Schema-less, schema+versioning, building deltas for data...

https://github.com/bieli/IoText-data-protocol Apache-2.0 Marcin Bielak 18% Badge level for project 8354 is 18%
8355 kedro

Kedro is a toolbox for production-ready data science. It uses software engineering best practices to help you create data engineering and data science...

https://kedro.org Apache-2.0 hustlemoe92 19% Badge level for project 8355 is 19%
8356 DWM_lab

Data WareHouse and Mining Lab Practicals NU_M.Tech Sem 2

https://github.com/gahan9/DWM_lab Gahan Saraiya 10% Badge level for project 8356 is 10%
8357 osrd

An open source web application for railway infrastructure design, capacity analysis, timetabling and simulation

https://osrd.fr LGPL-3.0 loic-hamelin 15% Badge level for project 8357 is 15%
8358 gravitino

Multi-cloud data catalog service providing a high-performance, geo-distributed federated metadata lake.

https://github.com/datastrato/gravitino Apache-2.0 Justin Mclean 2024-03-04 23:15:59 156% Badge level for project 8358 is 156%
8359 spring-boot-extension

Spring Boot Starter拓展,搭载JDK 21、SpringBoot 3.2

https://github.com/livk-cloud/spring-boot-extension Apache-2.0 livk 16% Badge level for project 8359 is 16%
8360 HairBookBackend https://github.com/vlad-bstrv/HairBookBackend Vladislav Bystrov 10% Badge level for project 8360 is 10%
8361 khaos

A lightweight kubernetes operator to test cluster resilience via chaos engineering 💣 ☸️

https://github.com/stackzoo/khaos Apache-2.0 simone ragonesi 21% Badge level for project 8361 is 21%
8362 capa

The FLARE team's open-source tool to identify capabilities in executable files.

https://github.com/4k4xs4pH1r3/capa Apache-2.0 ҉αkα x⠠⠵ 2024-01-31 16:53:17 104% Badge level for project 8362 is 104%
8364 wallet

Bitpay Wallet (formerly Copay) is a secure Bitcoin and other crypto currencies wallet platform for both desktop and mobile devices.

http://bitpay.com/wallet MIT 0x63611e 13% Badge level for project 8364 is 13%
8365 Powertools for AWS Lambda (TypeScript)

Powertools is a developer toolkit to implement Serverless best practices and increase developer velocity.

https://powertools.aws.dev MIT-0 Simon Thulbourn 2024-02-01 09:51:11 105% Badge level for project 8365 is 105%
8367 dotenvenc

Encryption of sensitive information in .env

https://github.com/tka85/dotenvenc tka85 18% Badge level for project 8367 is 18%
8368 assignment-4-topaleye https://github.com/topaleye/assignment-4-topaleye topaleye 10% Badge level for project 8368 is 10%
8369 miniature-barnacle https://github.com/DyroxOne/miniature-barnacle DyroxOne 10% Badge level for project 8369 is 10%
8370 Nextcloud Android app

📱 Nextcloud Android app

https://github.com/nextcloud/android GPL-2.0 Andy Scherzinger 2024-02-04 12:39:58 109% Badge level for project 8370 is 109%
8371 pandahr

🐼 Employee performance tool

https://pandahr.netlify.app MIT Íñigo Marquínez Prado 15% Badge level for project 8371 is 15%
8372 tenv

OpenTofu / Terraform / Terragrunt version manager

https://tofuutils.github.io/tenv Apache-2.0 kvendingoldo 52% Badge level for project 8372 is 52%
8373 ocm-transport-plugin

transport plugin implementation based on Open-Cluster-Management

https://github.com/kubestellar/ocm-transport-plugin Apache-2.0 Nir Rozenbaum 18% Badge level for project 8373 is 18%
8374 C++ Library for Responsibility Sensitive Safety

This library intends to provide a C++ implementation of the Responsibility Sensitive Safety model (RSS) for Automated Vehicles. RSS is described in the...

https://www.github.com/intel/ad-rss-lib LGPL-2.1-only berndgassmann 2024-08-19 13:14:10 113% Badge level for project 8374 is 113%
8376 pypop

PyPop: Python for Population Genomics

http://pypop.org GPL-2.0 Alex Lancaster 15% Badge level for project 8376 is 15%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id