8045 Projects

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Id Name Description Website License Owner Last achieved at Tiered % Badge
10101 docling

Get your documents ready for gen AI

https://github.com/DS4SD/docling MIT Michele Dolfi 18% Badge level for project 10101 is 18%
10102 django2pydantic

Django2pydantic is the most complete library for converting Django ORM models to Pydantic models

https://github.com/NextGenContributions/django2pydantic MIT Jukka Hassinen 18% Badge level for project 10102 is 18%
10103 testnet https://testnet-roan.vercel.app Michael John 12% Badge level for project 10103 is 12%
10104 Freifunk Companion

Companion Android-App für Freifunk.net

https://ffc.njbraun.de Apache-2.0 TIZEN 64% Badge level for project 10104 is 64%
10105 InjectibleLocationSpoofing

Location Spoofing codes for iOS Apps via Code Injection

https://github.com/mike22664/InjectibleLocationSpoofing Mike 10% Badge level for project 10105 is 10%

The "tiered %" field shows 300% for gold, 200% for silver, and 100% for passing, and adds progress after the highest-earned badge. You can also sort by the following: repository URL, create time (for the badge entry), last update time (for the badge entry) e user id