7500 проектов

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Id Название Описание Сайт Лицензия Владелец Последнее достижение % по всем уровням Значок
9361 pycvcqv

Find homogeneity with confidence. Python port of https://github.com/MaaniBeigy/cvcqv)

https://github.com/MaaniBeigy/pycvcqv MIT Maani Beigy 18% Проект 9361 выполнил критерии для значка на 18%
9362 FRAAND-front

React front-end for FRAAND platform.

https://github.com/UnoYakshi/FRAAND-front GPL-3.0 Willhelm Sokolov 15% Проект 9362 выполнил критерии для значка на 15%
9363 kustomize-iac-skeleton

This repository provides a foundational structure for Kubernetes deployments, serving as a starting point for rapid application deployment.

https://github.com/angelcamposm/kustomize-iac-skeleton MIT Angel Campos 19% Проект 9363 выполнил критерии для значка на 19%
9364 Volt

A multithreaded, high performance, fully functional game engine written in C++. ⚡️

https://github.com/sparky-game/volt AGPL-3.0 Wasym Atieh Alonso 18% Проект 9364 выполнил критерии для значка на 18%
9365 helm-unittest

BDD styled unit test framework for Kubernetes Helm charts as a Helm plugin.

https://github.com/helm-unittest/helm-unittest MIT Quintus 2024-08-22 11:06:39 187% Проект 9365 выполнил критерии для значка на 187%
9366 today-infrastructure

A Java library for applications software infrastructure

https://docs.today-tech.cn/today-infrastructure GPL-3.0 海子 Yang 16% Проект 9366 выполнил критерии для значка на 16%
9367 thousandeyes-ansible-rulebooks

Examples of Event-Driven Ansible rulebooks that can be triggered by ThousandEyes webhook alert notifications.

https://docs.thousandeyes.com/product-documentation/integration-guides/custom-webhook-examples/event-driven-ansible-for-alert-notifs MIT Joe Dougherty 2024-08-16 16:48:19 113% Проект 9367 выполнил критерии для значка на 113%
9368 scaling-guide https://github.com/timscharfenort8/scaling-guide Apache-2.0 timscharfenort8 15% Проект 9368 выполнил критерии для значка на 15%
9369 benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher

A GitHub Action that publishes results from BenchmarkDotNet benchmarks to a GitHub repository

https://github.com/martincostello/benchmarkdotnet-results-publisher Apache-2.0 Martin Costello 2024-08-17 16:34:31 104% Проект 9369 выполнил критерии для значка на 104%
9370 auto-forensic

This Project will Help in creating a Framework in Forensic Area which will help OEM and Customer in helping

https://github.com/vikaspot/auto-forensic Vikas Pandey 10% Проект 9370 выполнил критерии для значка на 10%
9371 splashmapper

Splash is a free (as in GPL) modular mapping software. Provided that the user creates a 3D model with UV mapping of the projection surface, Splash will take...

https://splashmapper.xyz Emmanuel Durand 19% Проект 9371 выполнил критерии для значка на 19%
9372 bluewave-uptime https://github.com/bluewave-labs/bluewave-uptime Gorkem Cetin (BWL) 3% Проект 9372 выполнил критерии для значка на 3%
9373 OWASP Developer Guide

OWASP Project Developer Guide - Document and Project Web pages

https://owasp.org/www-project-developer-guide CC-BY-SA-4.0 Jon Gadsden 2024-08-19 19:44:49 115% Проект 9373 выполнил критерии для значка на 115%
9374 StyleSniffer

StyleSniffer is a Java library designed to help you effortlessly detect and analyze the case style of any given string. Whether you’re dealing with...

https://github.com/sebastienvermeille/StyleSniffer MIT Sebastien Vermeille 40% Проект 9374 выполнил критерии для значка на 40%
9375 OpenRV

Open source version of RV, the Sci-Tech award-winning media review and playback software.

https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenRV Apache-2.0 John Mertic 91% Проект 9375 выполнил критерии для значка на 91%
9376 xstudio https://github.com/AcademySoftwareFoundation/xstudio Apache-2.0 John Mertic 88% Проект 9376 выполнил критерии для значка на 88%
9377 cloud-game-development-toolkit

A collection of infrastructure as code templates and configurations for deploying game development infrastructure on AWS

https://aws-games.github.io/cloud-game-development-toolkit MIT-0 Kyle Somers 88% Проект 9377 выполнил критерии для значка на 88%
9378 htnn

Currently, it's another gateway based on Istio/Envoy. (TODO: give it a better description)

https://github.com/mosn/htnn Apache-2.0 罗泽轩 18% Проект 9378 выполнил критерии для значка на 18%
9379 ryoma

Common AI agent framework solving your data problems

https://github.com/project-ryoma/ryoma Apache-2.0 Hao Xu 22% Проект 9379 выполнил критерии для значка на 22%
9380 OpenFactCheck

An Open-source Factuality Evaluation Demo for LLMs

https://huggingface.co/spaces/hasaniqbal777/OpenFactCheck Apache-2.0 Hasan Iqbal 28% Проект 9380 выполнил критерии для значка на 28%
9381 lamassuiot

Lamassu is an IoT first PKI designed for industrial scenarios. This is the main code repository for Lamassu IoT where the product logic is being implemented....

https://www.lamassu.io MPL-2.0 Haritz S. Sierra 15% Проект 9381 выполнил критерии для значка на 15%
9382 gdalraster

R Bindings to GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library)

https://usdaforestservice.github.io/gdalraster MIT Chris Toney 2024-08-25 17:10:09 109% Проект 9382 выполнил критерии для значка на 109%
9383 fw-commons

Java library for rapid development with Spring Boot WebFlux (Reactor Core) and popular technologies like Keycloak, Minio, Elasticsearch, TraceLog, Cache and...

https://github.com/hoangtien2k3/fw-commons Apache-2.0 Hoàng Anh Tiến 27% Проект 9383 выполнил критерии для значка на 27%
9384 LINUXtips-PICK

☸🐳 Projeto final do curso Programa Intensivo em Containers e Kubernetes | PICK 2024 da LINUXtips

https://nataliagranato.vercel.app GPL-3.0 Natália Granato 94% Проект 9384 выполнил критерии для значка на 94%
9385 gostress

This is an application for simple memory stress testing. It was created using go lang.

https://github.com/wunicorns/gostress MIT wunicorns 16% Проект 9385 выполнил критерии для значка на 16%
9386 lagoon-cli

A CLI for Lagoon - Docker Build and Deploy System for Kubernetes

https://uselagoon.github.io/lagoon-cli MIT Scott Leggett 19% Проект 9386 выполнил критерии для значка на 19%
9387 AdminAPI-2.x

The Admin API is an administrative application that allows for management of the Ed-Fi ODS-API platform. The Admin API 2.x line supports the ODS/API 7.x...

https://github.com/Ed-Fi-Alliance-OSS/AdminAPI-2.x Apache-2.0 Jason Hoekstra 15% Проект 9387 выполнил критерии для значка на 15%
9388 getmac

Platform-independent pure-Python module to get a MAC address

https://github.com/GhostofGoes/getmac MIT Christopher Goes 97% Проект 9388 выполнил критерии для значка на 97%
9389 rodhaj

A improved, modern version of ModMail for the transprogrammer community

https://rodhaj.readthedocs.io Apache-2.0 Noelle Wang 18% Проект 9389 выполнил критерии для значка на 18%
9390 LeetCode-in-Java

Java-based LeetCode algorithm problem solutions, regularly updated.

https://leetcode-in-java.github.io MIT Valentyn Kolesnikov 90% Проект 9390 выполнил критерии для значка на 90%

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