

没有一套可以保证软件永远不会有缺陷或漏洞的做法;如果规范或假设是错误的,即使合适的方法也可能失败。也没有哪些做法可以保证一个项目能够维持健康和运作良好的开发者社区。但是,遵循最佳做法可以帮助改善项目的成果。例如,一些做法可以在发布之前进行多人评估,这可以帮助您找到其他难以找到的技术漏洞,并帮助建立信任,并希望不同公司的开发人员之间进行重复的交互。要获得徽章,必须满足所有“必须”和“禁止”的条款,满足所有“应该”条款或有合适的理由,所有“建议”条款必须满足或未满足(至少希望考虑)。欢迎通过 GitHub网站创建问题或提出请求进行反馈。另外还有一个一般讨论邮件列表

如果这是您的项目,请在您的项目页面上显示您的徽章状态!徽章状态如下所示: 项目137的徽章级别为in_progress 这里是如何嵌入它:
[![OpenSSF Best Practices](](
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 基本 13/13

  • 识别


    ESAPI (The OWASP Enterprise Security API) is a free, open source, web application security control library that makes it easier for programmers to write lower-risk applications.

    如果有多种语言,请将它们列为逗号分隔值(可选空格),并将它们从最多到最少使用。如果有长列表,请至少列出前三个最常见的列表。如果没有语言(例如,这是仅文档或仅测试项目),请使用单个字符“ - ”。请使用每种语言的常规大小写,例如“JavaScript”。
  • 基本项目网站内容

    项目网站必须简明扼要地描述软件的作用(它解决了什么问题?)。 [description_good]

    项目网站必须提供有关如何获取和提供反馈(错误报告或增强功能)以及如何贡献的信息。 [interact], specifically in the which is displayed on that page.

    关于如何贡献的信息必须解释贡献流程(例如,是否使用拉请求?) (需要网址) [contribution]
    除非另有说明,否则我们假定 GitHub上的项目使用问题列表(Issues)和拉(Pull)请求。这些信息可以简短,例如,说明项目使用拉请求,问题跟踪器或邮寄到邮件列表中的哪一个。

    Projects on GitHub by default use issues and pull requests, as encouraged by documentation such as

    关于如何贡献的信息应包括对可接受的贡献的要求(例如,引用任何所需的编码标准)。 (需要网址) [contribution_requirements]

    See "How can I contribute or help with bug fixes?" section of

  • FLOSS许可证

    请使用 SPDX许可证表达格式;例子包括“Apache-2.0”,“BSD-2-Clause”,“BSD-3-Clause”,“GPL-2.0+”,“LGPL-3.0 +”,“MIT”和“(BSD-2-Clause OR Ruby)”。

    项目生产的软件必须作为FLOSS发布。 [floss_license]
    FLOSS是以符合开源定义免费软件定义。此类许可证的示例包括 CC0 MIT BSD 2条款 BSD 3条款修订版 Apache 2.0 Lesser GNU通用公共许可证(LGPL),以及 GNU通用公共许可证(GPL)。为了我们的目的,这意味着许可证必须是:该软件也可以用其他许可证(例如,“GPLv2或专有”是可以接受的)。

    The BSD-3-Clause license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

    Note that documentation is released under Creative Commons BY-SA licenses (2.0, 3.0, and 4.0, depending on when authored). The BSD-3-Clause license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

    OSI (开放源代码促进会)使用严格的审批流程来确定哪些许可证是开源软件(OSS)。

    The BSD-3-Clause license is approved by the Open Source Initiative (OSI).

    项目必须将其许可证在其源代码存储库中的标准位置发布。 (需要网址) [license_location]
    一种约定是将许可证发布为名为LICENSE或COPYING的顶级文件,其后可以带有扩展名,例如“ .txt”或“ .md”。另一种约定是使用一个名为LICENSES的目录,其中包含许可证文件。这些文件通常被命名为其SPDX许可证标识符,后跟适当的文件扩展名,如REUSE Specification中所述。请注意,此标准只是源存储库上的要求。从源代码生成某些内容(例如可执行文件,程序包或容器)时,无需包括许可证文件。例如,在为综合R存档网络(CRAN)生成R软件包时,请遵循标准CRAN惯例:如果许可证是标准许可证,请使用标准简短许可证规范(以避免安装另一文本副本)并列出排除文件(例如.Rbuildignore)中的LICENSE文件。同样,在创建Debian软件包时,您可以在版权文件中放置一个指向/ usr / share / common-licenses中的许可证文本的链接,并从创建的软件包中排除许可证文件(例如,通过在调用dh_auto_install之后删除文件) )。我们鼓励在可行的情况下以生成的格式包含机器可读的许可证信息。
  • 文档

    项目必须为项目生成的软件提供基本文档。 [documentation_basics]

    Most of the documentation on ESAPI may be found under Since ESAPI is a widely used Java API, the latest Javadoc (which is the low-level documentation for its use) is available at Additional ESAPI documentation (e..g,, the ESAPI-AppSensor integration) is referenced off the main ESAPI page on the OWASP wiki site.

    项目必须提供描述项目生成的软件的外部接口(输入和输出)的参考文档。 [documentation_interface]
    外部接口的文档向最终用户或开发人员解释如何使用它。这将包括其应用程序接口(API),如果软件有。如果它是一个库,记录可以调用的主要类/类型和方法/函数。如果是Web应用程序,定义其URL接口(通常是其REST接口)。如果是命令行界面,请记录其支持的参数和选项。在许多情况下,最好是自动生成大部分文档,以便本文档随着软件的更改而保持同步,但这并不是必需的。项目可以使用非项目材料的超文本链接作为文档。文档可以自动生成(实际上这通常是最好的方法)。可以使用Swagger / OpenAPI生成REST接口的文档。代码界面文档可以使用 JSDoc (JavaScript), ESDoc (JavaScript),pydoc(Python)和Doxygen(很多)。仅在实现代码中添加注释不足以满足本条款;在没有阅读所有源代码的情况下,需要一个简单的方法来查看信息。如果项目不生产软件,请选择“不适用”(N/A)。

    The low-level API documentation for ESAPI is available at

  • 其他

    项目网站(网站,存储库和下载URL)必须使用TLS支持HTTPS。 [sites_https]
    您可以从Let's Encrypt获取免费证书。项目可以使用(例如) GitHub页面实现此条款, GitLab页面,或 SourceForge项目页面。如果您使用具有自定义域的GitHub页面,则可以使用内容传送网络(CDN)作为代理来支持HTTPS,例如博客文章“使用CloudFlare安全加速GitHub页面”,以满足此条款。如果您支持HTTP,我们敦促您将HTTP流量重定向到HTTPS。

    Given only https: URLs.

    该项目必须有一个或多个讨论机制(包括建议的更改和问题),可搜索,允许通过URL访问消息和主题,使新人能够参与一些讨论,并且不需要客户端安装专有软件。 [discussion]

    GitHub supports discussions on issues and pull requests. As of 2022-05-10, we also added a GitHub Discussions board.

    项目应该提供英文文档,并能够接受英文的代码的错误报告和评论。 [english]

    The file, displayed on the main GitHub page at describes all of this.

    必须维护该项目。 [maintained]

    当项目知道将不再维护该项目时,应将此标准设置为“未满足”,并使用适当的机制向其他人指示该项目将不会得到维护。例如,使用“ DEPRECATED”作为其自述文件的第一个标题,在其主页开头附近添加“ DEPRECATED”,在其代码存储库项目说明的开头添加“ DEPRECATED”,在其中添加无需维护的标志其自述文件和/或主页,在任何软件包存储库中将其标记为已弃用(例如npm deprecate ),和/或使用代码存储库的标记系统对其进行归档(例如GitHub的“ archive”设置,GitLab的“ archived”标记, Gerrit的“只读”状态,或SourceForge的“已放弃”项目状态)。可以在这里找到更多讨论。

大多数项目应忽略此字段。项目徽章条目可以由徽章条目所有者(创建者),BadgeApp管理员以及任何可以提交给GitHub存储库(如果在GitHub上)的人员进行编辑。如果您希望其他人能够编辑此徽章条目,并且您已具有此项目徽章条目的编辑权限,则可以为其他用户提供编辑权限。只需输入“+”,后跟一个逗号分隔的整数用户ID列表。那么这些用户也将被允许编辑此项目条目。如果您是徽章条目的所有者或BadgeApp管理员,则可以通过输入“ - ”,后跟逗号分隔的整数用户ID列表,从该列表中删除用户。如果多个用户尝试同时编辑,此应用程序使用乐观锁定机制来防止保存过期数据。只有此项目条目的所有者和BadgeApp管理员才能更改此字段。

We have a lot of documentation, but 1) much of it is outdated, 2) much of it is disorganized and/or hard to find, and 3) a lot of it is not the "right" documentation to serve the intended audience (e.g., I'm thinking of developer user guides here in the "how to use sense").

 变更控制 9/9

  • 公开的版本控制的源代码存储库

    该项目必须有一个版本控制的源代码存储库。它必须是公开可读的并可通过URL访问。 [repo_public]

    Repository on GitHub, which provides public git repositories with URLs. See for details.

    项目的源代码存储库必须跟踪所做的更改,谁进行了更改,何时进行了更改。 [repo_track]

    Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made.

    为了实现协作检视,项目的源代码存储库必须包括临时版本,以便检视版本之间的变化;它不得仅包括最终版本。 [repo_interim]

    On-going development and bug-fixes are made on the (default) 'develop' branch. The latest official release is available on the 'master' branch. We also have tagged releases based on release # and have branches corresponding to each release #.

    建议使用通用分布式版本控制软件(例如,git)作为项目的源代码存储库。 [repo_distributed]

    Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed.

  • 唯一版本编号

    项目生成的用于每个用户使用的版本必须具有唯一版本标识符。 [version_unique]
    本条款可以通过各种方式来满足,包括提交ID(例如git提交ID或者Mercurial 更改列表id)或版本号(包括使用语义版本或基于日期的方案,如YYYYMMDD的版本号)。

    Release #s are updated according to semantic versioning format for each release. The latest (possibly unstable) release is available from the (default) 'develop' branch. The latest previous official release is available from the 'master' branch.

    建议使用语义版本控制(SemVer)格式进行发布。 [version_semver]
    其他版本编号方案,如提交ID(例如git commit id或mercurial changeset id)或基于日期的方案,如YYYYMMDD,可以用作版本号,因为它们是唯一的。一些备选方案可能会导致问题,因为用户可能无法轻松确定是否是最新的。如果所有目标客户仅运行最新版本,则SemVer可能不太有助于识别软件版本(例如,它是通过持续交付不断更新的单个网站或互联网服务的代码)。

    建议项目识别其版本控制系统中的每个版本。例如,建议使用git的项目,使用git标签识别每个版本。 [version_tags]

    Done with git tags. Also each tag corresponding to an official release has a corresponding Git branch.

  • 发行说明

    该项目必须在每个版本中提供发布说明,这是该版本中主要变化的可读的摘要,以帮助用户确定是否应升级,升级影响将如何。发行说明不能是版本控制日志的原始输出(例如,“git log”命令结果不是发行说明)。其产出不适用于多个地点的项目(如单个网站或服务的软件),并采用持续交付,可以选择“N/A”。 (需要网址) [release_notes]
    发行说明可以以各种方式实施。许多项目将它们添加到名为“NEWS”,“CHANGELOG”或“ChangeLog”的文件中,可选的包含“.txt”,“.md”或“.html”等扩展名。历史上,术语“更改日志”是指每个更改的日志,但为了满足这些条款,需要的是可读取的摘要。发行说明可以由版本控制系统机制提供,例如 GitHub发布工作流程

    The changelog is usually incorporated into the release notes. For the latest release notes, see

    发行说明必须列出每个新版本中修复的每个公开的漏洞。如果没有发行说明或者没有公开的漏洞,选择“不适用”。 [release_notes_vulns]

    There was some dispute over whether or not was considered a vulnerability or not. We did not seek getting a CVE for this because it was the same type of Java deserialization issue as was Apache Commons COLLECTIONS-580 bug, which Mitre supposed refused to issue a CVE for. (Not to mention that getting a CVE is a royal PITA!) We did announce this one the 2 ESAPI public mailing lists shortly after I created the GitHub issue for it. That code was closed on 2016-01-19 by removing the vulnerable method as I decided it was too dangerous to leave in only a deprecated state for 2 whole years (as per our normal deprecation policy). Other vulnerabilities, are discussed in detail in published security bulletins and summarized in, which is referenced from our project README file.

 报告 8/8

  • 错误报告流程

    项目必须为用户提交错误报告(例如,使用问题跟踪器或邮件列表)提供相关流程。 (需要网址) [report_process]

    GitHub issues: is the preferred way, but we have had users announce bugs on the mailing lists. In those cases, one of the ESAPI contributors will turn those into a GitHub issue. There are plans to integrate with an instance of Atlassian's JIRA, but the synchronization of that with GitHub failed and so we are back to using GitHub Issues alone at the moment.

    项目必须使用问题跟踪器来跟踪每个问题。 [report_tracker]

    该项目必须响应过去2-12个月内(含)提交的大多数错误报告;响应不需要包括修复。 [report_responses]

    ESAPI contributors get email and can respond directly via there or via GitHub. Note that we may have some bugs from the very early days that contributors created that were not formally acknowledged. Generally those were ones that one contributor asked another contributor via email to file a bug report using Google Code (which we were using back then). However, since moving things to GitHub and getting a few additional contributors, we have been doing better.

    该项目应该对过去2-12个月内(包括)的大部分(> 50%)的增强请求作出回应。 [enhancement_responses]

    Same way as previous question.

    该项目必须有一个公开的报告和回复的档案供后续搜索。 (需要网址) [report_archive]

    GitHub issues ( are searchable. In addition, the two ESAPI mailing lists are archived and searchable as well. And as of 2022-05-10, we now support a GitHub Discussions board at

  • 漏洞报告流程

    项目必须在项目网站上发布报告漏洞的流程。 (需要网址) [vulnerability_report_process]
    例如,https://PROJECTSITE/security 上的一个明确指定的邮箱地址,通常以 的形式。这可能与其错误报告流程相同。漏洞报告可能一直是公开的,但是许多项目都有一个私密漏洞报告机制。

    The process for reporting vulnerabilities is now described in the file which is displayed on the main GitHub page at The ESAPI security vulnerability reporting process is also described at

    如果支持私有漏洞报告,项目必须包括如何以保密的方式发送信息。 (需要网址) [vulnerability_report_private]

    该项目在过去6个月收到的任何漏洞报告的初始响应时间必须小于或等于14天。 [vulnerability_report_response]

    Met. Some details may be found at Technically, I guess we didn't "respond" to the one at, but that's because Kevin Wall (one of the ESAPI project co-leads) reported it himself.

 质量 12/13

  • 可工作的构建系统

    如果项目生成的软件需要构建使用,项目必须提供可以从源代码自动重新构建软件的可工作的构建系统。 [build]

    Non-trivial build file in repository: Starting with ESAPI, we now also distribute ESAPI with a CycloneDX SBOM file that is uploaded to Maven Central.

    建议使用通用工具来构建软件。 [build_common_tools]
    例如,Maven,Ant,cmake,自动工具,make,rake(Ruby)或devtools (R)。

    Non-trivial build file in repository: All tools required to build the software are available under FLOSS licenses. Only Maven 3.3.9 or later and Java 8 or later (we use OpenJDK, but any version should work) is be needed to build ESAPI and run the JUnit tests. (Maven will pull in the rest of the dependencies.)

    该项目应该仅使用FLOSS工具来构建。 [build_floss_tools]

    OpenJDK, Maven, JUnit, and various FLOSS 3rd party Java libraries such as various Apache Commons libraries, etc.

  • 自动测试套件

    该项目必须使用至少一个作为FLOSS公开发布的自动测试套件(该测试套件可以作为单独的FLOSS项目维护)。 [test]

    As of release, there are now 4274 JUnit tests in 131 Java source files (with 0 tests skipped)'mvn test' and all tests passing. There is also a GitHub CI/CD workflow that executes 'mvn -B package --file pom.xml' every time a git PR is created.

    测试套件应该以该语言的标准方式进行调用。 [test_invocation]
    例如“make check”,“mvn test”或“rake test”。

    mvn test

    建议测试套件覆盖大部分(或理想情况下所有)代码分支,输入字段和功能。 [test_most]

    70% code coverage as measured by (under

    建议项目实施持续集成,将新的或更改的代码经常集成到中央代码库中,并对结果进行自动化测试。 [test_continuous_integration]
  • 新功能测试

    该项目必须有通用的策略(正式或非正式),当主要的新功能被添加到项目生成的软件中,该功能的测试应该同时添加到自动测试套件。 [test_policy]

    The project (unfortunately) has a small enough # of contributors on the team that this is well understood. That said, no new major functionality is intended for esapi-java-legacy (i.e., ESAPI 2.x releases). Any new functionality will be done under ESAPI 3.0 ( that is a project that will not [or, at least very unlikely] be backward compatible with ESAPI 2.x releases. However, we believe this is also applicable to bug fixes as well and as such, have updated Step 4 in the CONTRIBUTING-TO-ESAPI.txt file to mention adding JUnit tests to confirm fixes.

    该项目必须有证据表明,在项目生成的软件的最近重大变化中,已经遵守了添加测试的条款: test_policy [tests_are_added]

    Really, not applicable as no new functionality is planned / intended. See above question for details. (Seriously, I'm having enough trouble just getting enough people to address bug fixes.)

    建议您在更改提案的说明文档中添加测试策略要求(请参阅test_policy)。 [tests_documented_added]

    Again, N/A. See the two previous questions.

  • 警告标志

    该项目必须启用一个或多个编译器警告标志,“安全”语言模式,或者使用单独的“linter”工具查找代码质量错误或常见的简单错误,如果至少有一个FLOSS工具可以在所选择的语言实现此条款。 [warnings]
    编译器警告标志的例子包括gcc/clang “-Wall”。 “安全”语言模式的示例包括JavaScript “use strict”和perl5的“使用警告”。一个单独的“linter”工具用于检查源代码以查找代码质量错误或常见的简单错误。这些通常在源代码或构建指令中启用。

    The next official ESAPI major release will include '-Xlint:all' in the pom.xml. Since the latest release (, we have been using '-Xlint:all,-deprecation,-rawtypes,-unchecked'.

    该项目必须处理警告。 [warnings_fixed]

    Addressed with the exceptions of the warnings that are currently (deliberately) ignored; see previous question. This is being addressed now, but we currently do not have it ALL.

    建议在实际情况下,项目以最严格方式对待项目生成的软件中的告警。 [warnings_strict]

    Toying with the idea of also adding '-Werror' to terminate compilation if there are any ideas, but need to bounce that idea off the other contributors first before deciding on anything definitive.

 安全 16/16

  • 安全开发知识

    该项目必须至少有一个主要开发人员知道如何设计安全软件。 [know_secure_design]
    这需要了解以下设计原则,包括 Saltzer和Schroeder 中的8项原则:
    • 机制经济(保持设计简单实用,例如采用彻底简化)
    • 故障安全默认(默认情况下,访问决策应拒绝),项目安装应默认安全)
    • 完全仲裁(必须检查每个可能被限制的访问权限,并且不可绕过)
    • 开放式设计(安全机制不应该依赖于攻击者对其设计的无知,而应该更容易地保护和更改信息,例如密钥和密码)
    • 特权分离(理想情况下,对重要对象的访问应该取决于多个条件,从而破坏一个保护系统将无法实现完全访问。如,多因子身份验证,要求密码和硬件令牌,比单因子认证安全性更高)
    • 最小权限(进程应该以最少的权限运行)
    • 最少的公共机制(设计应该最大限度地减少所有用户所依赖的,涉及到多个用户的共同机制,如,临时文件的目录)
    • 心理可接受性(人机接口必须设计为易于使用 —— 设计为“最不惊讶”)
    • 有限的攻击面(攻击面 —— 一组不同的入口,其​​中攻击者可以尝试输入或提取数据 —— 应该受到限制)
    • 输入验证与白名单(输入通常应该在被接受之前检查以确定是否有效;此验证应使用白名单(仅接受已知的有效值),而不是黑名单(尝试列出已知的非法值))。

    Both project co-leaders (Kevin W. Wall and Matt Seilt) are experienced professional appsec engineers who have been 10+ years of application security experience.

    该项目的主要开发人员中,至少有一个必须知道导致这类型软件漏洞的常见错误类型,以及至少有一种方法来对付或缓解这些漏洞。 [know_common_errors]
    示例(取决于软件的类型)包括SQL注入,操作系统注入,经典缓冲区溢出,跨站点脚本(XSS),缺少认证和缺少授权。请参阅 CWE/SANS 25种最常见漏洞 OWASP十大漏洞类型项目

    ESAPI in fact is designed to address common appsec errors such as OT10. E.g., see slide 3 in

  • 使用基础的良好加密实践


    项目生成的软件默认情况下,只能使用由专家公开发布和审查的加密协议和算法(如果使用加密协议和算法)。 [crypto_published]

    By DEFAULT, only AES is enabled. Users however, could in principle, add whatever stupid symmetric encryption algorithm is supported by some JVE implementation, like SuperRoysSecretSnakeOilCryptoSauce that requires a 1M bit key and implements a pseudo-one time pad. Let's face it, there is no patch for stupidity. It's open source, so if we tried to white-list algorithms, people could just rewrite that part of the source code and recompile.

    如果项目生成的软件是应用程序或库,其主要目的不是实现加密,那么它应该只调用专门设计实现加密功能的软件,而不应该重新实现自己的。 [crypto_call]

    We rely on JCE implementations, such as SunJCE or BouncyCastle, etc. We provide more user friendly wrappers around the JCE crypto so that people don't have to understand what cipher modes and IVs and padding schemes are all about. We also provide an encrypt-then-MAC approach to CBC mode for earlier versions of JDK that don't support out-of-the-box authenticated encryption modes and for projects that are not permitted to use alternative FLOSS JCE implementations such as BouncyCastle.

    项目所产生的软件中,所有依赖于密码学的功能必须使用FLOSS实现。 [crypto_floss]

    SunJCE (available as part of OpenJDK) or BouncyCastle are both FLOSS JCE implementations.

    项目生成的软件中的安全机制使用的默认密钥长度必须至少达到2030年(如2012年所述)的NIST最低要求。必须提供配置,以使较小的密钥长度被完全禁用。 [crypto_keylength]
    这些最小位长度是:对称密钥112,因式分解模数2048,离散对数密钥224,离散对数组2048,椭圆曲线224和散列224(密码散列不涉及该位长度),关于密码散列的更多信息可以在 crypto_password_storage 条款)。请参阅 以比较不同组织的密钥长度建议。在某些配置中,软件可能允许较小的密钥长度(理想情况下不会,因为这允许降级攻击,但是互操作性有时需要较短的密钥长度)。

    The default min key size is 128 bits for AES, or either 112 bit, 2-key TDES for DESede (or 3-key if the JCE Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Polciy files are installed as part of the JRE.

    项目产生的软件中的默认安全机制不得取决于已被破解的密码算法(例如,MD4,MD5,单DES,RC4,Dual_EC_DRBG)或使用不适合上下文的密码模式(例如,ECB模式几乎不适当,因为它揭示了密文中相同的块,如 ECB企鹅所示。CTR模式通常是不合适的,因为如果重复输入状态,则它不执行认证并导致重复)。 [crypto_working]
    在许多情况下,最好选择设计用于组合保密和认证的块密码算法模式,例如Galois / Counter Mode(GCM)和EAX。项目可以允许用户为必要的兼容性启用已被破解的加密机制,但是需要用户知道他们正在这么做。

    Use SHA-256 by default for most hashing, but users can decide by tweaking properties in to use whatever MessageDigest or Mac that is available. (Again, we do not try to prevent stupidity this being open source, but we do try to make it intentional if you want to shoot off your own foot.)

    由项目产生的软件中的默认安全机制不应该依赖于具有已知严重弱点的加密算法或模式(例如,SHA-1密码散列算法或SSH中的CBC模式)。 [crypto_weaknesses]
    CERT:SSH CBC漏洞中讨论了SSH中CBC模式的问题。

    We do use HMacSHA1, but according to Bellare, Canetti & Krawczyk (1996), this should still be secure as they showed that HMAC security doesn’t require that the underlying hash function be collision resistant, but only that it acts as a pseudo-random function. (Or at least that was my take away when I read it 10+ years ago. But if I'm wrong, please advise. We wanted an HMAC value that was short as possible, but HMAC-MD5 just didn't feel right.) We also use SecureRandom to generate random #s for things like IVs, etc. which ought to be okay even though it uses SHA1PRNG as its CSRNG.

    项目产生的软件中的安全机制应该​​对密钥协商协议实施完美的前向保密(PFS),如果长期密钥集合中的一个长期密钥在将来泄露,也不能破坏从一组长期密钥导出的会话密钥。 [crypto_pfs]

    We currently do not do any sort of key-agreement. All symmetric encryption is assumed to use pre-shared keys, presumably shared out-of-band. This is something that is being considered for ESAPI 3.0 though.

    如果项目产生的软件存储用于外部用户认证的密码,则必须使用密钥拉伸(迭代)算法(例如,PBKDF2,Bcrypt或Scrypt)将密码存储为每用户盐值不同的迭代散列 。 [crypto_password_storage]

    We don't store passwords per se, except temporally for unit testing (created by FileBasedAuthenticator) where they are hashed with per-user random salt.

    由项目生成的软件中的安全机制必须使用密码学安全的随机数生成器生成所有加密密钥和随机数,并且不得使用密码学不安全的生成器。 [crypto_random]

    We use an implementation of NIST SP 800-108 Key Derivation Function (which uses SHA-256 for it's CSPRNG under the hood.) Design and implementation details are available at:

  • 安全交付防御中间人(MITM)的攻击

    该项目必须使用一种针对MITM攻击的传递机制。使用https或ssh + scp是可以接受的。 [delivery_mitm]

    We enforce either https: for all our ESAPI-related web sites or https or ssh from the git command line. Also, in several ESAPI classes, we ensure that the client is using https.

    不得通过http协议获取加密散列(例如,sha1sum)并直接使用,而不检查密码学签名。 [delivery_unsigned]

    ESAPI is downloaded from The jar is signed by my (Kevin Wall's) private key. My public key is available from the MIT key server should anyone actually wish to confirm it. (Yeah; right. Sigh.)

  • 修正公开的漏洞

    被公开了超过60天的中等或更高严重程度的漏洞,必须被修复。 [vulnerabilities_fixed_60_days]
    该漏洞必须由项目本身修补和发布(修补程序可能在其他地方开发)。一旦漏洞具有公开发布的非付费信息的CVE(例如,在国家漏洞数据库)或项目已被通知,且信息已经发布给公众(可能是项目自己发布),则视为漏洞已经公众所知。如果其 CVSS 2.0 基本分数为4或更高,则漏洞是中等到高的严重性。 注意:这意味着全世界的所有攻击者可能会对用户造成长达60天的伤害。这个标准通常比Google在重新启动负责任的披露中所推荐的容易得多。因为Google建议,如果报告不是公开的,那么当项目得到通知,甚至报告尚未公开时,60天的时间段就会开始。

    As of ESAPI, there are no now true positives identified as vulnerabilities in ESAPI. (As of the release, we completely removed the Log4J 1.2.17 dependency.) It only took us 2 years to remove it because that is our formal deprecation policy and it would have broken many client applications. (We also confirmed there were no exploitable CVEs related to Log4J in our standard configuration.)

    However, there are still occasional false positives flagged by various Software Compositional Analysis (SCA) tools / services (e.g., OWASP Dependency Check, BlackDuck, Verisign SourceClear, Snyk, Sonatype NexusIQ, etc.) that flag ESAPI as being vulnerable to some CVE or another. These are almost always in a transitive dependency. We thoroughly investigate these and either proceed to remediate them, or if they are false positives, explain the rationale as to why they are not exploitable in a security bulletin and then reference that in the file.

    CVE-2013-5960 is still unfixed even though NIST says that it was fixed (which is true for the default ESAPI configuration), but CVE-2013-5960 is actually a design flaw, not a coding bug, and I (the author) do not really believe that the core issue has been remediated even though I believe that NIST / MITRE got the CVSSv2 score wrong. (But what point is there disputing that since they think it is already closed.) But the reason it is not exploitable in the default configuration is that only Authenticated Encryption cipher modes (GCM, CCM, IAPM, EAX, OCB, and CWC) are offered in the default configuration and the only non-AE mode offered by default is CBC. The PoC exploit code exploit for CVE-2013-5960 required OFB mode to be added to the file as a non-AE cipher mode. One may be able to do that via social engineering, but that should reflect a lower CVSSv2 score.

    in that the CVSSv2 base score is 5.8 but I would contend that they did not take into account that one needs to convince the intended victim to first accept additional non-authenticated cipher modes and, place them in the file. Could happen, but that social engineering side was not taken into the equation.

    Note that correctly fixing CVE-2013-5960 requires a major redesign in the encrypt-then-MAC calculation. When I started looking at it more deeply, I realized there were additional things that should be MAC'd as well such as the version #, etc. (I since have become aware of Schneier & Ferguson's Horton Principle and am making design changes as a result.) Doing it securely in a manner that can be backward compatible is tough and it would be nice to have someone else with some applied cryptography knowledge since Jeffrey Walton is no longer contributing toward OWASP.

    However, I am marking this as 'met' because I think even if NIST had left this as open, had the adjusted it for the DEFAULT ESAPI configuration, the CVSSv2 score would have been LOW rather than MEDIUM.

    项目在得到报告后应该迅速修复所有致命漏洞。 [vulnerabilities_critical_fixed]

    You'll get no argument from me. But given that ESAPI all but died (see and, I'm happen that it's at least still crawling along. Any help is always appreciated!

  • 其他安全问题

    公共存储库不得泄漏旨在限制公众访问的有效私人凭证(例如,工作密码或私钥)。 [no_leaked_credentials]

    We store no passwords or private keys on any public repositories. My private signing key is encrypted on my GPG keyring and that passphrase is stored in PasswordSafe on my personal laptop (and backed up!) and secured by a secure passphrase known only to me.

 分析 8/8

  • 静态代码分析

    如果至少有一个FLOSS工具以所选择的语言实现此条款,则至少需要将一个静态代码分析工具应用于软件发布之前任何提议的主要生成版本。 [static_analysis]
    静态代码分析工具检查软件代码(源代码,中间代码或可执行文件),而不用特定输入执行。本条款中,编译器警告和“安全”语言模式不被视为静态代码分析工具(它们通常避免深入分析,因为速度至关重要)。此类静态代码分析工具的示例包括 cppcheck clang静态分析器 FindBugs (包括FindSecurityBugs), PMD Brakeman Coverity质量分析器 HP Fortify静态代码分析器。更多的工具列表可以在诸如维基百科静态代码分析工具列表关于静态代码分析的OWASP信息 NIST源代码安全分析器列表 Wheeler的静态分析工具列表 SWAMP 是使用各种工具评估软件漏洞的免费平台。如果没有可用于所使用的实现语言的FLOSS静态分析工具,请选择“N/A”。

    I use FindSecurityBugs and PMD when I use Eclipse. Several of us also have a Coverity instance (e.g.,, and, which our Coverity badge will eventually be referring to).

    建议至少有一个用于static_analysis标准的静态分析工具包括在分析语言或环境中查找常见漏洞的规则或方法。 [static_analysis_common_vulnerabilities]

    Coverity is being used. I have also ran it through HP Fortify a few times. It has been fully analyzed by the secure code review team where I work, and while I cannot provide details, no vulnerabilities were discovered. I did find 1 or 2 bugs [since reported] as a result of the Fortify scan though.

    使用静态代码分析发现的所有中,高严重性可利用漏洞必须在确认后及时修复。 [static_analysis_fixed]
    如果其 CVSS 2.0 评分为4或更高,则此漏洞是中等到高的严重性。

    No medium or high severity vulnerabilities were discovered.

    建议每次提交或至少每天执行静态源代码分析。 [static_analysis_often]

    We regularly run PMD, spotbugs, and findsecbugs and review new findings. I believe that Bjorn Kimminich has integrated the Coverity scan with his Travis-CI builds, but it has been run since April 2016. I have run CodeQL recently, but it is not yet fully integrated into our GitHub workflow.

  • 动态代码分析

    建议在发布之前,至少将一个动态分析工具应用于软件任何发布的主要生产版本。 [dynamic_analysis]
    动态分析工具通过执行特定输入来检查软件。例如,项目可以使用模糊工具(例如, American Fuzzy Lop )或Web应用扫描程序(例如, ZAP w3af )。在某些情况下, OSS-Fuzz 项目可以对您的项目应用模糊测试。为满足此条款,动态分析工具需要以某种方式改变输入,以寻找各种问题,或者将其作为一个具有至少80%分支覆盖率的自动测试套件。 动态分析维基百科页面 OWASP的fuzzing页面 识别一些动态分析工具。分析工具可能专注于寻找安全漏洞,但这不是必需的。

    Not sure exactly how this applies, but N/A isn't something that I can choose. There were early versions of web-based software (e.g., ESAPI Swingset) that demonstrated how to use ESAPI, but it is not directly attackable via DAST as it is simply an SDK (i.e., a library).

    建议如果项目生成的软件包含使用内存不安全语言编写的软件(例如C或C++),则至少有一个动态工具(例如,fuzzer或web应用扫描程序)与检测缓冲区覆盖等内存安全问题的机制例行应用。如果该项目生成的软件没有以内存不安全语言编写,请选择“不适用”(N / A)。 [dynamic_analysis_unsafe]
    检测内存安全问题的机制的示例包括AddressSanitizer(ASAN)(可在GCC和LLVM中使用),“Memory Sanitizer” valgrind 。其他可能使用的工具包括ThreadSanitizerUndefinedBehaviorSanitizer。广泛的断言也将起作用。

    We use Java.

    建议由项目生成的软件包括许多运行时断言,在动态分析期间检查。 [dynamic_analysis_enable_assertions]
    这个标准并不建议使生产过程中的断言;这完全取决于项目及其用户的决定。该标准的重点是部署之前的动态分析过程中改善故障检测。在生产使用中启用断言与在动态分析(例如测试)期间启用断言完全不同。在某些情况下,在生产中使用断言是极其不明智的(尤其是在高完整性组件中)。存在许多反对在生产环境中启用断言的论点,例如,库不应使调用程序崩溃,它们的存在可能会导致应用商店拒绝,和/或在生产环境中激活断言可能会暴露诸如私钥之类的私有数据。请注意,在许多Linux发行版中都未定义NDEBUG ,因此C / C ++缺省情况下,assert()将在这些环境中启用生产。对于那些环境中的生产,使用不同的断言机制或定义NDEBUG可能很重要。

    There are runtime assertions, but ironically most people disable those (they, in fact are disabled by default in Java), so instead I am changing most of them to explicit runtime checks (except for things like certain invariants or sanity checks in private methods where we still have some assertions). Violations of runtime checks will throw some sort of RuntimeException, notably IllegalArgumentException for most of the precondition failures.

    通过动态代码分析发现的所有严重性为中,高的可利用漏洞必须在确认后及时修复。 [dynamic_analysis_fixed]
    如果 CVSS 2.0 基本分数为4,那么一个漏洞是中等到高的严重性。如果您没有运行动态代码分析,没有发现任何这样的漏洞,选择“不适用”(N/A)。

    None discovered because using DAST on ESAPI directly really makes no sense; there is nothing for DAST to test against.

此数据在知识共享署名3.0或更高版本许可证(CC-BY-3.0 +) 下可用。所有内容都可以自由分享和演绎,但必须给予适当的署名。请署名为Kevin W. Wall和OpenSSF最佳实践徽章贡献者。

项目徽章条目拥有者: Kevin W. Wall.
最后更新于 2016-05-10 23:31:58 UTC, 最后更新于 2022-08-16 02:34:46 UTC。
