

如果这是您的项目,请在您的项目页面上显示您的徽章状态!徽章状态如下所示: 项目3806的徽章级别为passing 这里是如何嵌入它:



 基本 13/13

  • 识别

    Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes

  • 基本项目网站内容

    项目网站必须简明扼要地描述软件的作用(它解决了什么问题?)。 [description_good]

    "Free C++ class library of cryptographic schemes",

    项目网站必须提供有关如何获取和提供反馈(错误报告或增强功能)以及如何贡献的信息。 [interact]

    关于如何贡献的信息必须解释贡献流程(例如,是否使用拉请求?) (需要网址) [contribution]

    Projects on GitHub by default use issues and pull requests, as encouraged by documentation such as

    关于如何贡献的信息应包括对可接受的贡献的要求(例如,引用任何所需的编码标准)。 (需要网址) [contribution_requirements]
  • FLOSS许可证


    项目生产的软件必须作为FLOSS发布。 [floss_license]

    Public Domain or Boost Software License v1 (BSL-1.0),


    Public Domain or Boost Software License v1 (BSL-1.0),

    项目必须将其许可证在其源代码存储库中的标准位置发布。 (需要网址) [license_location]
  • 文档

    项目必须为项目生成的软件提供基本文档。 [documentation_basics]

    Link to Manual on homepage, Link to wiki with code examples on homepage,

    项目必须提供描述项目生成的软件的外部接口(输入和输出)的参考文档。 [documentation_interface]

    Link to Manual on homepage,

  • 其他

    项目网站(网站,存储库和下载URL)必须使用TLS支持HTTPS。 [sites_https]

    Given only https: URLs.

    该项目必须有一个或多个讨论机制(包括建议的更改和问题),可搜索,允许通过URL访问消息和主题,使新人能够参与一些讨论,并且不需要客户端安装专有软件。 [discussion]

    GitHub supports discussions on issues and pull requests. We also have traditional mailing lists at

    项目应该提供英文文档,并能够接受英文的代码的错误报告和评论。 [english]

    Link to Manual on homepage, Link to wiki with code examples on homepage,

    必须维护该项目。 [maintained]


Crypto++ is one of the oldest projects on the web. It was started by Wei Dai in 1992 and the first public release was 1994. Crypto++ was one of the targets of RSA Data Security Inc (RSA DSI) takedowns due to use of RSA while it was still patented. In June 2015 Wei Dai turned the library over to the community for maintenance.

  • 公开的版本控制的源代码存储库

    该项目必须有一个版本控制的源代码存储库。它必须是公开可读的并可通过URL访问。 [repo_public]

    Repository on GitHub, which provides public git repositories with URLs.

    项目的源代码存储库必须跟踪所做的更改,谁进行了更改,何时进行了更改。 [repo_track]

    Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git can track the changes, who made them, and when they were made.

    为了实现协作检视,项目的源代码存储库必须包括临时版本,以便检视版本之间的变化;它不得仅包括最终版本。 [repo_interim]

    Crypto++ does not use dead-end branches. It pollutes the Git log history. Instead testing forks are used and proposals are discussed.

    建议使用通用分布式版本控制软件(例如,git)作为项目的源代码存储库。 [repo_distributed]

    Repository on GitHub, which uses git. git is distributed.

  • 唯一版本编号

    项目生成的用于每个用户使用的版本必须具有唯一版本标识符。 [version_unique]

    建议使用语义版本控制(SemVer)格式进行发布。 [version_semver]

    建议项目识别其版本控制系统中的每个版本。例如,建议使用git的项目,使用git标签识别每个版本。 [version_tags]
  • 发行说明

    该项目必须在每个版本中提供发布说明,这是该版本中主要变化的可读的摘要,以帮助用户确定是否应升级,升级影响将如何。发行说明不能是版本控制日志的原始输出(例如,“git log”命令结果不是发行说明)。其产出不适用于多个地点的项目(如单个网站或服务的软件),并采用持续交付,可以选择“N/A”。 (需要网址) [release_notes]

    The README is the primary human readable document. Each release has its own HTML page. For example,

    发行说明必须列出每个新版本中修复的每个公开的漏洞。如果没有发行说明或者没有公开的漏洞,选择“不适用”。 [release_notes_vulns]

    Each release has its own HTML page that highlights CVEs and major problems that were corrected. For example, from "Crypto++ 5.6.5 was released on October 11, 2016. The 5.6.5 release was mostly a maintenance release. The release included two CVE fixes." Then, the CVE details are provided.

  • 错误报告流程

    项目必须为用户提交错误报告(例如,使用问题跟踪器或邮件列表)提供相关流程。 (需要网址) [report_process]

    项目必须使用问题跟踪器来跟踪每个问题。 [report_tracker]

    该项目必须响应过去2-12个月内(含)提交的大多数错误报告;响应不需要包括修复。 [report_responses]

    Typically the projects response time is less than a day.

    该项目应该对过去2-12个月内(包括)的大部分(> 50%)的增强请求作出回应。 [enhancement_responses]

    Typically the projects response time is less than a day.

    该项目必须有一个公开的报告和回复的档案供后续搜索。 (需要网址) [report_archive]

    GitHub allows searching of past and closed reports.

  • 漏洞报告流程

    项目必须在项目网站上发布报告漏洞的流程。 (需要网址) [vulnerability_report_process]

    如果支持私有漏洞报告,项目必须包括如何以保密的方式发送信息。 (需要网址) [vulnerability_report_private]

    We do not support private vulnerabilities. As soon as we get a private report we forward it to the mailing list at!forum/cryptopp-users.

    该项目在过去6个月收到的任何漏洞报告的初始响应时间必须小于或等于14天。 [vulnerability_report_response]

    Typically the projects response time is less than a day.

  • 可工作的构建系统

    如果项目生成的软件需要构建使用,项目必须提供可以从源代码自动重新构建软件的可工作的构建系统。 [build]

    Non-trivial build file in repository: The project also supplies Autotools, CMake and Visual Studio project files for those who wish to use them.

    建议使用通用工具来构建软件。 [build_common_tools]

    Non-trivial build file in repository: The project also supplies Autotools, CMake and Visual Studio project files for those who wish to use them.

    该项目应该仅使用FLOSS工具来构建。 [build_floss_tools]

    The project only requires GNU Make. CD into the project directory and run 'make -j 4'. It really is as easy as that. The project also supplies Autotools, CMake and Visual Studio project files for those who wish to use them.

  • 自动测试套件

    该项目必须使用至少一个作为FLOSS公开发布的自动测试套件(该测试套件可以作为单独的FLOSS项目维护)。 [test]

    测试套件应该以该语言的标准方式进行调用。 [test_invocation]

    'make test' and 'make check' work for me. It follows the GNU Coding Standards.

    建议测试套件覆盖大部分(或理想情况下所有)代码分支,输入字段和功能。 [test_most]

    Our test suite is comprised of about 13 source files and covers about 80% of the library.

    建议项目实施持续集成,将新的或更改的代码经常集成到中央代码库中,并对结果进行自动化测试。 [test_continuous_integration]
  • 新功能测试

    该项目必须有通用的策略(正式或非正式),当主要的新功能被添加到项目生成的软件中,该功能的测试应该同时添加到自动测试套件。 [test_policy]

    Crypto++ is a library of cryptographic schemes. Our governance requires test coverage for new algorithms and protocols. At minimum, a new algorithm will include Known Answer Tests (KATs). Public Key algorithms will include Pairwise Consistency Tests.

    该项目必须有证据表明,在项目生成的软件的最近重大变化中,已经遵守了添加测试的条款: test_policy [tests_are_added]

    Crypto++ is a library of cryptographic schemes. Our governance requires test coverage for new algorithms and protocols. At minimum, a new algorithm will include Known Answer Tests (KATs). Public Key algorithms will include Pairwise Consistency Tests.

    建议您在更改提案的说明文档中添加测试策略要求(请参阅test_policy)。 [tests_documented_added]

    Our governance requires new algorithms have both documentation on the wiki and test cases. We don't add new algorithms without test cases. It is too dangerous.

    It looks like we need to add a wiki page on this topic. I thought we had one, but I cannot find it.

  • 警告标志

    该项目必须启用一个或多个编译器警告标志,“安全”语言模式,或者使用单独的“linter”工具查找代码质量错误或常见的简单错误,如果至少有一个FLOSS工具可以在所选择的语言实现此条款。 [warnings]

    Testing includes -Wall -Wextra with GCC and Clang. On Windows, testing include /W4. We also have a test script from hell that builds the project in 50-100 permutations (depending on the platform and features available). The tests from hell include 6 different builds to tease warnings. Also see

    该项目必须处理警告。 [warnings_fixed]

    Our governance requires us to clear warnings under reasonable flags. To date our "reasonable flags" includes -Wall -Wextra. Otherwise, we get mailing list messages and bug reports for them.

    建议在实际情况下,项目以最严格方式对待项目生成的软件中的告警。 [warnings_strict]

    Testing includes -Werror when using GCC and Clang.

  • 安全开发知识

    该项目必须至少有一个主要开发人员知道如何设计安全软件。 [know_secure_design]

    The development team includes one Security Architect from US Financial and US DoD. The other maintainers have CVs that includes years of cryptography and security experience.

    The library has also been FIPS 140-2 validated by the US government. The FIPS 140-2 validation includes a SP800-56a audit for processes and procedures.

    该项目的主要开发人员中,至少有一个必须知道导致这类型软件漏洞的常见错误类型,以及至少有一种方法来对付或缓解这些漏洞。 [know_common_errors]

    The development team includes includes members of OWASP. The other maintainers have CVs that includes years of cryptography and security experience.

    The library has also been FIPS 140-2 validated by the US government. The FIPS 140-2 validation includes a SP800-56a audit for processes and procedures.

  • 使用基础的良好加密实践


    项目生成的软件默认情况下,只能使用由专家公开发布和审查的加密协议和算法(如果使用加密协议和算法)。 [crypto_published]

    The library includes well known algorithms, like AES; and lesser known algorithms, like RC6, MARS and Twofish.

    如果项目生成的软件是应用程序或库,其主要目的不是实现加密,那么它应该只调用专门设计实现加密功能的软件,而不应该重新实现自己的。 [crypto_call]

    The project is a cryptographic library.

    项目所产生的软件中,所有依赖于密码学的功能必须使用FLOSS实现。 [crypto_floss]

    The project is a cryptographic library.

    项目生成的软件中的安全机制使用的默认密钥长度必须至少达到2030年(如2012年所述)的NIST最低要求。必须提供配置,以使较小的密钥长度被完全禁用。 [crypto_keylength]

    When available, the project implements 256-bits of security and above. 256-bits of security exceeds the US government's recommendations on key sizes. Also see

    项目产生的软件中的默认安全机制不得取决于已被破解的密码算法(例如,MD4,MD5,单DES,RC4,Dual_EC_DRBG)或使用不适合上下文的密码模式(例如,ECB模式几乎不适当,因为它揭示了密文中相同的块,如 ECB企鹅所示。CTR模式通常是不合适的,因为如果重复输入状态,则它不执行认证并导致重复)。 [crypto_working]

    The project is a cryptographic library. The project includes weak and wounded ciphers for historical reasons and research purposes.

    However, to use a weak or wounded cipher, a user must build the library with -DCRYPTOPP_ENABLE_NAMESPACE_WEAK. The setting is off-by-default. Then, a user can use a weak or wounded cipher within the Weak:: namespace. I.e., Weak::MD2, Weak::MD5, etc.

    由项目产生的软件中的默认安全机制不应该依赖于具有已知严重弱点的加密算法或模式(例如,SHA-1密码散列算法或SSH中的CBC模式)。 [crypto_weaknesses]

    When available, the project uses 128-bits of security by default. 128-bits of security is the US government's recommendation nowadays.

    项目产生的软件中的安全机制应该​​对密钥协商协议实施完美的前向保密(PFS),如果长期密钥集合中的一个长期密钥在将来泄露,也不能破坏从一组长期密钥导出的会话密钥。 [crypto_pfs]

    The project includes ephemeral key exchanges, like DHE and ECDHE.

    如果项目产生的软件存储用于外部用户认证的密码,则必须使用密钥拉伸(迭代)算法(例如,PBKDF2,Bcrypt或Scrypt)将密码存储为每用户盐值不同的迭代散列 。 [crypto_password_storage]

    The library itself does not store secrets, like private keys, shared secrets or passwords. Users may build applications that do so, but the library does not.

    由项目生成的软件中的安全机制必须使用密码学安全的随机数生成器生成所有加密密钥和随机数,并且不得使用密码学不安全的生成器。 [crypto_random]

    The library includes approved software generators like NIST DBRG from SP800-90. The library also includes hardware-based PRNGS, like Padlock, RDRAND, RDSEED and DARN. DARN is the RDRAND equivalent on PowerPC.

  • 安全交付防御中间人(MITM)的攻击

    该项目必须使用一种针对MITM攻击的传递机制。使用https或ssh + scp是可以接受的。 [delivery_mitm]

    The project signs its release; see The project also uses a trusted distribution channel for downloads using TLS and a Let's Encrypt certificate.

    不得通过http协议获取加密散列(例如,sha1sum)并直接使用,而不检查密码学签名。 [delivery_unsigned]

    The project's signing algorithm for release tarballs is SHA-256.

  • 修正公开的漏洞

    被公开了超过60天的中等或更高严重程度的漏洞,必须被修复。 [vulnerabilities_fixed_60_days]

    The project typically responds to bugs within one day. Some patches take longer, but the patches are made available as soon as it is ready (i.e., passes testing).

    项目在得到报告后应该迅速修复所有致命漏洞。 [vulnerabilities_critical_fixed]

    The project typically responds to bugs within one day. Some patches take longer, but the patches are made available as soon as it is ready (i.e., passes testing).

  • 其他安全问题

    公共存储库不得泄漏旨在限制公众访问的有效私人凭证(例如,工作密码或私钥)。 [no_leaked_credentials]

    The library does not publish private keys, shared secrets or passwords. Or not that we know of.

  • 静态代码分析

    如果至少有一个FLOSS工具以所选择的语言实现此条款,则至少需要将一个静态代码分析工具应用于软件发布之前任何提议的主要生成版本。 [static_analysis]

    The project uses Coverity Scan on Linux and OS X. The project uses Visual Studio Enterprise Analysis on Windows. Finally, the project uses the Looks Good To Me continuous security analysis. Also see and

    建议至少有一个用于static_analysis标准的静态分析工具包括在分析语言或环境中查找常见漏洞的规则或方法。 [static_analysis_common_vulnerabilities]

    The project uses Coverity Scan on Linux and OS X. The project uses Visual Studio Enterprise Analysis on Windows. Finally, the project uses the Looks Good To Me continuous security analysis. Also see and

    使用静态代码分析发现的所有中,高严重性可利用漏洞必须在确认后及时修复。 [static_analysis_fixed]

    The project typically responds to analysis findings within a hour when run manually, or within a day when reported by a user.

    建议每次提交或至少每天执行静态源代码分析。 [static_analysis_often]

    Source code analysis is limited to weekly testing due to limits Synopsis places on the free Security Scan service. I.e., the project is only allowed 12 scans a week. We need to save the extra scans for reproducers and retesting.

    Looks Good To Me continuous security analysis is unlimited, but it is not as good as Coverity.

  • 动态代码分析

    建议在发布之前,至少将一个动态分析工具应用于软件任何发布的主要生产版本。 [dynamic_analysis]

    The project uses Valgrind and Sanitizers to test for runtime violations. Valgrind detects memory and thread problems. Santiziers include Asan, Msan and UBsan.

    The projects self tests also "fuzz" certain interfaces attempting to crash the test suite. The fuzzing occurs under Valgrind, Asan and Msan.

    建议如果项目生成的软件包含使用内存不安全语言编写的软件(例如C或C++),则至少有一个动态工具(例如,fuzzer或web应用扫描程序)与检测缓冲区覆盖等内存安全问题的机制例行应用。如果该项目生成的软件没有以内存不安全语言编写,请选择“不适用”(N / A)。 [dynamic_analysis_unsafe]

    The project uses Valgrind and Sanitizers to test for runtime violations. Valgrind detects memory and thread problems. Santiziers include Asan, Msan and UBsan.

    The projects self tests also "fuzz" certain interfaces attempting to crash the test suite. The fuzzing occurs under Valgrind, Asan and Msan.

    建议由项目生成的软件包括许多运行时断言,在动态分析期间检查。 [dynamic_analysis_enable_assertions]

    Debug builds of the project includes asserts to aide the developer in finding mistakes.

    Release builds are built with -DNDEBUG and will NEVER asset. The library will validate the parameters and/or state and throw an exception on failure. Anywhere there is an 'if' statement to validate state includes an assert. Anywhere there is an assert to validate state includes an 'if' statement that throws. They are matched set like bookends.

    The Crypto++ library never asserts in production for five reasons. First, it is the application's authors decision to crash their app. The library does not make policy decisions for the application author.

    Second, some platforms, like Apple iOS, forbid applications from crashing because it degrades the UI experience. In this case, the App Store has set the policy for the application author. The library will not cause an author's app to be rejected from an App Store.

    Third, the library handles sensitive information like private keys, shared secrets and passwords. When an assert fires a core file could be written that includes the sensitive information. That means the sensitive information has been egressed outside the application's security boundary. Folks with access to the mobile device, desktop computer or a computer paired/sync'd with the mobile device will be able to recover the secrets from the filesystem.

    Fourth, the core file, if present, may be shipped to an Error Reporting Service. Now Apple, Google, Fedora, Red Hat, Ubuntu or Microsoft have the user's private keys, shared secrets and passwords. Then the information is then passed onto the developer who has the user's private keys, shared secrets and passwords, too.

    Fifth, asserts destroy most of Confidentiality-Availability-Integrity (CIA). When an assert crashes a program, it (1) may preserve data Integrity at the expense of (2) Confidentiality of the data and (3) Availability of the program or server. If an author wishes to preserve Integrity, he/she/it merely needs to return false in the offending function or call exit(1) without the loss of Confidentiality or Availability.

    通过动态代码分析发现的所有严重性为中,高的可利用漏洞必须在确认后及时修复。 [dynamic_analysis_fixed]

    The project typically responds to analysis findings within a hour when run manually, or within a day when reported by a user.

此数据在知识共享署名3.0或更高版本许可证(CC-BY-3.0 +) 下可用。所有内容都可以自由分享和演绎,但必须给予适当的署名。请署名为Jeffrey Walton和OpenSSF最佳实践徽章贡献者。

项目徽章条目拥有者: Jeffrey Walton.
最后更新于 2020-03-25 18:25:43 UTC, 最后更新于 2020-03-26 03:01:39 UTC。 最后在 2020-03-25 19:57:57 UTC 获得通过徽章。
