7724 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
3955 navio

Creating containers from scratch. Navio is an extremely simple tool that aims to create linux containers based on the linux namespace and cgroups features.

https://github.com/viniciusbds/navio Vinicius Barbosa 4% 项目3955的徽章级别为4%
3956 backend-machine-learning-for-cats.git https://gitlab.com/fsdlxq/backend-machine-learning-for-cats.git POTATOES-BoilEm-MashEm-StickEm-inAStew 19% 项目3956的徽章级别为19%
3957 github-analysis-report-2019

GitHub Analysis Report 2019

https://github.com/xiaoya-Esther/github-analysis-report-2019 MIT Esther 15% 项目3957的徽章级别为15%
3958 cash-app https://www.contactcustomerservice.co/cash-app Adam Walker 3% 项目3958的徽章级别为3%
3959 asu

A image on demand server for OpenWrt based distributions

https://github.com/aparcar/asu GPL-2.0 Paul Spooren 16% 项目3959的徽章级别为16%
3960 louketo-proxy https://github.com/arkham-labs/louketo-proxy Apache-2.0 Bruno Oliveira 21% 项目3960的徽章级别为21%
3961 mantle

📒 Easy and effective communication for any team or community.

https://github.com/nektro/mantle Apache-2.0 Meghan Denny 15% 项目3961的徽章级别为15%
3962 cloud-sdk-ios-fiori

SwiftUI implementation of the SAP Fiori for iOS Design Language.

https://github.com/SAP/cloud-sdk-ios-fiori Apache-2.0 MarcoEidinger 2020-06-04 16:29:10 135% 项目3962的徽章级别为135%
3963 github-action-s3cmd

S3cmd GitHub Action

https://github.com/mickie1515/github-action-s3cmd MIT mickie1515 15% 项目3963的徽章级别为15%
3964 sicredi-librum-ex-dracones

Teste da SoftDesign / Sicredi.

https://sicredi-app.herokuapp.com Unlicense John Murowaniecki 36% 项目3964的徽章级别为36%
3965 go-http

Just sample http.

https://github.com/AhmedELShafaie/go-http Ahmed 19% 项目3965的徽章级别为19%
3966 argos3-webviz

A Web interface plugin for ARGoS 3(https://argos-sim.info).

https://github.com/NESTlab/argos3-webviz MIT Prajankya 85% 项目3966的徽章级别为85%
3967 spec2vec

Word2Vec based similarity measure of mass spectrometry data.

https://github.com/iomega/spec2vec Apache-2.0 Jurriaan H. Spaaks 64% 项目3967的徽章级别为64%
3968 allAboutTest-Docs

personal repository for notes and testing works

https://github.com/xiaoya-Esther/allAboutTest-Docs Unlicense Esther 81% 项目3968的徽章级别为81%
3969 worcs

Rstudio project template and convenience functions for the Workflow for Open Reproducible Code in Science (WORCS)

https://osf.io/zcvbs GPL-3.0 C. J. van Lissa 2020-05-19 15:03:07 109% 项目3969的徽章级别为109%
3972 rabbithole-rs

JSON:API Data Structure & Query implementation, and a high performance HTTP Engine support (maybe)

https://github.com/UkonnRa/rabbithole-rs MIT Ukonn Ra 16% 项目3972的徽章级别为16%
3973 sidecar_http_dispatcher https://github.com/n0npax/sidecar_http_dispatcher MIT Marcin Niemira 18% 项目3973的徽章级别为18%
3974 nuxed https://nuxed.org Saif Eddin G. 3% 项目3974的徽章级别为3%
3975 app Conard James 3% 项目3975的徽章级别为3%
3976 pythainlp

Thai Natural Language Processing in Python.

https://github.com/PyThaiNLP/pythainlp Apache-2.0 Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun 27% 项目3976的徽章级别为27%
3977 py-bck

A naive blockchain implementation in Python

https://github.com/dcarpintero/py-bck MIT D. Carpintero 15% 项目3977的徽章级别为15%
3978 kubecms

Kube CMS is a Content Management System that is designed to run within a multi-node Kubernetes cluster. Kube CMS works with Kuberenetes, Minikube and K3s. It...

https://kubecms.com Apache-2.0 Dan Lister 15% 项目3978的徽章级别为15%
3979 znaczek

Simple app that helps in managing labels

https://github.com/jpalczewski/znaczek MIT Jacek Palczewski 15% 项目3979的徽章级别为15%
3980 ftp

Basic FTP package written in Go

https://github.com/jmichalak9/ftp Jakub Michalak 10% 项目3980的徽章级别为10%
3981 dyndns-netcup-go

Dyndns client for the netcup dns api written in go.

https://github.com/Hentra/dyndns-netcup-go MIT Henri Burau 75% 项目3981的徽章级别为75%
3982 label-exporter

Exporter of GitHub labels in the form YAML, JSON and table.

https://github.com/FrenchBen/label-exporter French Ben 10% 项目3982的徽章级别为10%
3983 watcher

🏷️ Watches the changes in the file system, variables and data records

https://github.com/racherb/watcher MIT Raciel Hernández 2021-04-07 04:34:02 113% 项目3983的徽章级别为113%
3984 Ludo-The_Game

An implementation of the famous board game Ludo, using C++

https://github.com/AdityaGupta150/Ludo-The_Game Aditya Gupta 13% 项目3984的徽章级别为13%
3985 suckit

Suck the InTernet

https://github.com/Skallwar/suckit OTHER Esteban Blanc 12% 项目3985的徽章级别为12%
3986 Merkompiler

A JavaSST compiler written in Java as a study project

https://github.com/merkrafter/Merkompiler MIT merkrafter 84% 项目3986的徽章级别为84%

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