7726 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
4952 FlexHex-Rose-AP

ROSE-AP of the FlexHex project tries to make data gathering from Orion Context Broker entities to influx-db easier.

https://github.com/Factobotics/FlexHex-Rose-AP Apache-2.0 pv-factobotics 58% 项目4952的徽章级别为58%
4953 xkye_python

Standard Python Library For Xkye Language

https://github.com/RahmanAnsari/xkye_python MIT Rahman Ansari 18% 项目4953的徽章级别为18%
4954 ecg200-device-firmware https://gitlab.teltonika.lt/allprojects/ecg/ecg200/ecg200-device-firmware Gražvidas Balčius 3% 项目4954的徽章级别为3%
4955 QuasselDroid-ng

Next Generation of the QuasselDroid IRC client.

https://quasseldroid.info GPL-3.0 Janne Mareike Koschinski 15% 项目4955的徽章级别为15%
4956 chasquid

chasquid is an SMTP (email) server with a focus on simplicity, security, and ease of operation.

https://blitiri.com.ar/p/chasquid Apache-2.0 Alberto Bertogli 2021-06-06 01:13:26 104% 项目4956的徽章级别为104%
4959 hypertrons-crx

Hypertrons chrome extension

https://github.com/hypertrons/hypertrons-crx Apache-2.0 Esther 15% 项目4959的徽章级别为15%
4960 fabric-smart-client

The Fabric Smart Client (FSC, for short) is a new Fabric client-side component whose objective is twofold. On one side, FSC aims to simplify the development...

https://github.com/hyperledger-labs/fabric-smart-client Apache-2.0 Angelo De Caro 27% 项目4960的徽章级别为27%
4961 Heimdall-Apps

Apps for Heimdall

https://github.com/Hotdogszbg/Heimdall-Apps MIT Hotdogszbg 15% 项目4961的徽章级别为15%
4962 10026 https://bestpractices.coreinfrastructure.org/en/users/10026 Manasi 3% 项目4962的徽章级别为3%
4963 testCoverityAnkit

To test coverity

https://github.com/ankitbarve/testCoverityAnkit ankitbarve 90% 项目4963的徽章级别为90%
4964 Business-API-Ecosystem

The FIWARE/TMForum Business API Ecosystem allows the monetization of different kind of assets (both digital and physical) during the whole service life...

https://business-api-ecosystem.rtfd.io AGPL-3.0 Francisco de la Vega 2021-06-08 14:27:52 104% 项目4964的徽章级别为104%
4965 toolbox

Tool for containerized command line environments on Linux

https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/fedora-silverblue/toolbox Apache-2.0 Ondřej Míchal 18% 项目4965的徽章级别为18%
4966 sind

A simple, interactive, list-friendly dialog for Bash 4+.

https://github.com/l3laze/sind Unlicense Tom 16% 项目4966的徽章级别为16%
4967 ncpty

An NCurses pseudoterminal library

https://gitlab.com/bracketttc/ncpty MIT Timothy Brackett 90% 项目4967的徽章级别为90%
4968 pills_counter

ML at the edge for pills counting using ESP32.

https://github.com/Vladislavo/pills_counter Vladislav Rykov 10% 项目4968的徽章级别为10%
4969 fhir-server-exporter

FHIR Server resource count exporter for Prometheus.

https://github.com/chgl/fhir-server-exporter Apache-2.0 chgl 15% 项目4969的徽章级别为15%
4970 movie-db https://github.com/romangitlab/movie-db romangitlab 13% 项目4970的徽章级别为13%
4972 kubernetes

Production-Grade Container Scheduling and Management

https://kubernetes.io Apache-2.0 Harish Yayi 19% 项目4972的徽章级别为19%
4973 NGSI Go

The NGSI Go is a command-line interface supporting FIWARE Open APIs for FIWARE developers.

https://ngsi-go.letsfiware.jp MIT Kazuhito Suda 2021-12-11 23:15:43 104% 项目4973的徽章级别为104%
4975 Data Stewardship Wizard

Data Stewards capture and combine their knowledge and expertise with respect to the specific needs of a domain or an organisation. Researchers are truly...

https://ds-wizard.org Apache-2.0 Marek Suchánek 2021-09-17 18:23:49 113% 项目4975的徽章级别为113%
4976 Fruit-Fly-Optimization-Algorithm

Performance Evaluation of Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm on Classical Test Problem Set

https://github.com/atulkamble/Fruit-Fly-Optimization-Algorithm MIT Atul Kamble 15% 项目4976的徽章级别为15%
4977 WrikeIntegration

Connexion entre Wrike et Zabbix

https://github.com/Nirdeo/WrikeIntegration MIT Victor De Domenico 15% 项目4977的徽章级别为15%

The official FIWARE Python NGSI V2 Context Broker. Developed by Asociación de Investigacion en Inteligencia Artificial Para la Leucemia Peter Moss.

https://github.com/AIIAL/FIWARE-HIASCDI MIT Leukemia AI Research 15% 项目4978的徽章级别为15%
4979 kratos

Next-gen identity server (think Auth0, Okta, Firebase) with Ory-hardened authentication, MFA, FIDO2, profile management, identity schemas, social sign in,...

https://www.ory.sh/kratos Apache-2.0 Vincent 2021-06-18 12:23:48 105% 项目4979的徽章级别为105%
4980 HIASBCH-MQTT-Blockchain-Agent

The HIASBCH Agent processes data sent from HIAS devices that support the MQTT protocol and stores immutable hashes of the data that can be used for data...

https://www.leukemiaairesearch.com/research/project/peter-moss-medtech-research-project/hiasbch-mqtt-iot-agent MIT Leukemia AI Research 82% 项目4980的徽章级别为82%
4981 HelmCharts https://github.com/mccj/HelmCharts Apache-2.0 mccj 16% 项目4981的徽章级别为16%
4982 Code Server Boilerplates Starter Pack GitHub Template

An starter repo contains the base Dokerfile from https://github.com/cdr/deploy-code-server, on-push and on-release image builds

https://github.com/code-server-boilerplates/starter-pack MIT Andrei Jiroh Eugenio Halili 96% 项目4982的徽章级别为96%
4983 HIAS-Bluetooth-IoT-Agent

The HIAS Bluetooth IoT Agent is a bridge between HIAS devices that support Bluetooth/Bluetooth Low Energy protocol and the HIASCDI Context Broker.

https://www.leukemiaairesearch.com/research/project/peter-moss-medtech-research-project/hias-bluetooth-ble-iot-agent MIT Leukemia AI Research 28% 项目4983的徽章级别为28%

HIASHDI (HIAS Historical Data Interface) is an implementation of a REST API Server that stores HIAS network historical data and serves it to authenticated...

https://www.leukemiaairesearch.com/research/project/peter-moss-medtech-research-project/hiascdi-hias-historical-data-interface MIT Leukemia AI Research 76% 项目4984的徽章级别为76%
4985 sparkypandy

It's not spark, it's now pandas, it's just awkward...

https://github.com/tpvasconcelos/sparkypandy Apache-2.0 Tomas Pereira de Vasconcelos 18% 项目4985的徽章级别为18%

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