7723 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
9596 todonode https://github.com/Rose2161/todonode MIT Cryptob3auty 15% 项目9596的徽章级别为15%
9597 neovim-vivify-markdown.nvim

A neovim extension for integrating the Vivify markdown viewer.

https://github.com/Imamiland/neovim-vivify-markdown.nvim MIT Ali Sajid Imami 2024-10-21 03:15:43 195% 项目9597的徽章级别为195%
9598 RsyncUI

A SwiftUI based macOS GUI for rsync.

https://github.com/rsyncOSX MIT Thomas Evensen 16% 项目9598的徽章级别为16%
9599 malicious-pdf

💀 Generate a bunch of malicious pdf files with phone-home functionality. Can be used with Burp Collaborator or Interact.sh

https://github.com/jonaslejon/malicious-pdf BSD-2-Clause Jonas Lejon 18% 项目9599的徽章级别为18%
9600 graphql-voyager

🛰️ Represent any GraphQL API as an interactive graph

https://graphql-kit.com/graphql-voyager MIT Ivan Goncharov 22% 项目9600的徽章级别为22%
9602 oidcc

OpenId Connect client library in Erlang & Elixir

https://hexdocs.pm/oidcc Apache-2.0 Jonatan Männchen 2024-10-20 13:46:01 171% 项目9602的徽章级别为171%
9603 Constrainify-Core

This application serves as a central component of the Constrainify application. This repository includes the GUI, the controller, and smart components.

https://aqinda.gwdg.de AGPL-3.0-or-later MarkusM 66% 项目9603的徽章级别为66%
9604 action-checkstyle

reviewdog based GitHub action to run Checkstyle on your Java code.

https://github.com/dbelyaev/action-checkstyle MIT Dmitriy Belyaev 91% 项目9604的徽章级别为91%
9605 Carbon

A simple, lightweight, straightforward C/C++ unit testing framework written in pure C. 🧪

https://github.com/sparky-game/carbon BSD-3-Clause Wasym Atieh Alonso 93% 项目9605的徽章级别为93%
9606 latest https://rfid.app.pages.in2p3.fr/rfid.app.wiki/latest Julien-768 3% 项目9606的徽章级别为3%
9607 JUnit

✅ The 5th major version of the programmer-friendly testing framework for Java and the JVM

https://junit.org EPL-2.0 Marc Philipp 2024-10-22 16:45:33 105% 项目9607的徽章级别为105%
9608 UI Bakery

Build internal tools, customer portals, and CRUD apps quickly. Configure scheduled jobs and webhooks. Create structure and manage data through a GUI.

https://uibakery.io Unlicense Vladimir Lugovsky 19% 项目9608的徽章级别为19%
9609 libgit2

A cross-platform, linkable library implementation of Git that you can use in your application.

https://libgit2.org GPL-2.0 with linking exception Edward Thomson 99% 项目9609的徽章级别为99%
9610 flexi_logger

A flexible logger for rust programs that can write to stderr, stdout, and/or to log files

https://github.com/emabee/flexi_logger Apache-2.0 emabee 97% 项目9610的徽章级别为97%
9611 openvino

OpenVINO™ is an open-source toolkit for optimizing and deploying AI inference

https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/openvino-toolkit/overview.html Apache-2.0 Jacek Pawlak 2024-10-23 13:36:28 107% 项目9611的徽章级别为107%
9612 xbox-multiplayer-analysis-tool https://www.github.com/microsoft/xbox-multiplayer-analysis-tool MIT Philip Niemeyer-Farquharson 96% 项目9612的徽章级别为96%
9613 nio398 https://github.com/nio398 Nio398 3% 项目9613的徽章级别为3%
9614 libimobiledevice.org

Official Website of libimobiledevice

https://libimobiledevice.org AGPL-3.0 EsauSSJ 18% 项目9614的徽章级别为18%
9615 starter-workflows

Accelerating new GitHub Actions workflows

https://github.com/features/actions OTHER EsauSSJ 13% 项目9615的徽章级别为13%
9616 lagoon-service-images

Lagoon images not directly utilised in lagoon-core

https://github.com/uselagoon/lagoon-service-images Apache-2.0 Scott Leggett 15% 项目9616的徽章级别为15%
9617 rootstock-integration-tests

Rootstock integration tests

https://github.com/rsksmart/rootstock-integration-tests MIT Marcos Irisarri 15% 项目9617的徽章级别为15%
9618 malicious-packages

This repository is a collection of reports of malicious packages.

https://github.com/khulnasoft-lab/malicious-packages Apache-2.0 KhulnaSoft bot 19% 项目9618的徽章级别为19%
9619 git-proxy

Deploy custom push protections and policies on top of Git

https://git-proxy.finos.org Apache-2.0 Laukik 15% 项目9619的徽章级别为15%
9620 graphedexcel

Tool to analyze and visualize dependencies between cells in Excel spreadsheets

https://github.com/dalager/graphedexcel MIT Christian Dalager 2024-10-26 11:05:00 113% 项目9620的徽章级别为113%
9621 awesome-fair-data

A curated list of awesome stuff around the FAIR principles for (scientific) data, i.e that data is findable, accessable, interoperable and re-usable.

https://github.com/KGerring/awesome-fair-data CC0-1.0 KGerring 13% 项目9621的徽章级别为13%
9622 the-turing-way

Host repository for The Turing Way: a how to guide for reproducible data science

http://the-turing-way.org OTHER KGerring 12% 项目9622的徽章级别为12%
9623 givme

Switch the container image from inside the container

https://github.com/kukaryambik/givme Apache-2.0 Alexander Yakimenko 15% 项目9623的徽章级别为15%
9624 otterdog

OtterDog is a tool to manage GitHub organizations at scale using a configuration as code approach. It is actively used by the Eclipse Foundation to manage...

https://otterdog.readthedocs.org EPL-2.0 eclipse-csi-bot 2024-10-26 20:13:10 104% 项目9624的徽章级别为104%
9625 Design System

Full-Stack Developer Kit

Project Configuration

CommitLint, ESLint, GitHub Actions, Husky, Jest, LintStaged, Prettier, StyleLint, TypeScript,...

https://github.com/emsim11/Design-System MIT Emily Simone 13% 项目9625的徽章级别为13%
9626 openaq-python

Official OpenAQ Python SDK

https://python.openaq.org MIT Russ Biggs 16% 项目9626的徽章级别为16%

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