7723 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
2717 CommService

Comminication Microservice. SLACK MAILGUN TEXTMARKS.

https://github.com/DMEvanCT/CommService Evan Haston 10% 项目2717的徽章级别为10%
2719 NACHO

NACHO: NAnostring quality Control dasHbOard

https://mcanouil.github.io/NACHO LGPL-3.0 Mickaël Canouil 2019-06-18 11:46:42 107% 项目2719的徽章级别为107%
2720 e2designer https://gitlab.com/technic93/e2designer technic93 3% 项目2720的徽章级别为3%
2721 EnverHiveXA

Hackathon T3chFest 2019

https://github.com/FontyMcPython/EnverHiveXA UNLICENSE Fonty McPython 13% 项目2721的徽章级别为13%
2723 Pterodactyl4J

Java wrapper for the API of Pterodactyl

https://github.com/mattmalec/Pterodactyl4J Jan 10% 项目2723的徽章级别为10%
2724 OpenSwitch (OPX)

The OpenSwitch(OPX) platform is an open source, Linux-based network operating system (NOS) for disaggregated switches built around OCP-compliant hardware,...

https://www.openswitch.net Apache-2.0 Trishan de Lanerolle 2019-04-19 15:53:14 127% 项目2724的徽章级别为127%
2725 Network Service Mesh

An attempt to re-imagine NFV in a cloud-native way

https://www.networkservicemesh.io Apache-2.0 Nikolay Nikolaev 82% 项目2725的徽章级别为82%
2726 Orekit

Orekit is a low level library written in Java, providing an accurate and efficient core layer for space flight dynamics applications.

https://www.orekit.org Apache-2.0 Sébastien Dinot 2019-05-13 11:05:04 189% 项目2726的徽章级别为189%
2727 go-proton

Entitas Code-Generator written in Go

https://github.com/SirMetathyst/go-proton MIT Alexander Hunt 18% 项目2727的徽章级别为18%
2728 hilight

Hilight will highlight CLI based applications based on regular expressions.

https://github.com/erniebrodeur/hilight Ernie Brodeur 13% 项目2728的徽章级别为13%
2729 simplemonitor

A Python-based network and host monitor

https://jamesoff.github.io/simplemonitor BSD-3-Clause nvnwater 15% 项目2729的徽章级别为15%
2731 revoke

Automates the download and hosting of CRL data from a remote Certificate Authority.

https://altcipher.github.io GPL-3.0 Tony Cavella 2020-09-08 22:55:58 111% 项目2731的徽章级别为111%
2732 Adélie Linux

Adélie Linux is a Free, Libre operating environment based on the Linux kernel. We aim for standards compliance, compatibility with a wide variety of...

https://www.adelielinux.org NCSA AND (MIT AND GPL-2.0-only) A. Wilcox 93% 项目2732的徽章级别为93%
2733 BSIA

Basic software initialization in ansible

https://github.com/Duchongming/BSIA MIT ChongmingDU 18% 项目2733的徽章级别为18%
2734 ROSS

Rensselaer's Optimistic Simulation System

http://ross-org.github.io BSD-3-Clause Elsa Gonsiorowski 18% 项目2734的徽章级别为18%
2735 pki-lint

Bash wrapper for X.509 certificate linting and PKI validation.

https://github.com/rwbaumg/pki-lint MIT Robert W. Baumgartner 2019-05-14 20:34:09 104% 项目2735的徽章级别为104%
2736 app

Central application of locha mesh network

https://gitlab.com/btcven/locha/app MIT Jesus Zuleta 84% 项目2736的徽章级别为84%
2737 zlibutil.git ehcostream 3% 项目2737的徽章级别为3%
2738 istgt

CAS Data Engine - iSCSI Target for OpenEBS cStor

https://docs.openebs.io Apache-2.0 Kiran Mova 16% 项目2738的徽章级别为16%
2739 cstor

CAS Data Engine - User Space implementation of a popular COW Data Engine - ZFS

https://docs.openebs.io OTHER Kiran Mova 12% 项目2739的徽章级别为12%
2740 mcdnt2-cleancode

Clean Code

https://github.com/astonecole/mcdnt2-cleancode MIT nanoninja 19% 项目2740的徽章级别为19%
2741 bulma

Basic authentication implementation for Go

https://github.com/nanoninja/bulma BSD-3-Clause nanoninja 15% 项目2741的徽章级别为15%
2742 Medi-Core https://github.com/Wathsara/Medi-Core GPL-3.0 Shehan Dhaleesha 15% 项目2742的徽章级别为15%
2743 FlowAPI https://github.com/shehand/FlowAPI Shehan Dhaleesha 10% 项目2743的徽章级别为10%
2744 wikitrends


https://github.com/Lahw/wikitrends Yann Carbonne 10% 项目2744的徽章级别为10%
2745 ejdb

EJDB 2.0 — Embeddable JSON Database engine

https://github.com/Softmotions/ejdb MIT Adamansky Anton 19% 项目2745的徽章级别为19%
2746 rakkess

Review Access - kubectl plugin to show an access matrix for all available resources

https://github.com/corneliusweig/rakkess Apache-2.0 Cornelius Weig 78% 项目2746的徽章级别为78%
2747 deckofcards

A library to handle all the logic of a playing card deck.

https://github.com/heindrichpaul/deckofcards MIT Heindrich Paul 15% 项目2747的徽章级别为15%
2749 stackerr

An golang error implementation with StatusCode and Function trace

https://godoc.org/github.com/efimovalex/stackerr MIT Efimov Ioan-Alexandru 15% 项目2749的徽章级别为15%
2750 react-kentico-blog

A React library that makes it easy to create a blog using Kentico Cloud

https://github.com/softwarehutpl/react-kentico-blog MIT Maciej Sopyło 2019-04-25 14:46:02 175% 项目2750的徽章级别为175%

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