7724 项目


Id 名称 描述 网站 授权 所有者 最后达成 % 已达成 徽章
3249 dbc-scripts

DeepBrain Chain Community Scripts

https://github.com/dbc-community/dbc-scripts MIT Luke P. 15% 项目3249的徽章级别为15%
3250 essaycorp https://essaycorp.com EssayCorp 3% 项目3250的徽章级别为3%
3251 Transform-Digital.git

Transform digital bot device that was created to aim at integrating a completely storing and secure system to other systems, both systems in the internal...

https://github.com/transdigiware/Transform-Digital.git GPL-3.0-or-later Andi HARPIANTO 2019-10-08 12:51:04 99% 项目3251的徽章级别为99%
3253 cryptoCMD

Cryptocurrency historical price data library in Python. Data from https://coinmarketcap.com.

https://github.com/guptarohit/cryptoCMD BSD-3-Clause Rohit Gupta 15% 项目3253的徽章级别为15%
3254 tic-tac-toe https://github.com/MiltenPlescott/tic-tac-toe OTHER Milten Plescott 13% 项目3254的徽章级别为13%
3255 go-harvest

Go library to use the V2 API of Harvest

https://github.com/becoded/go-harvest GPL-3.0 Bert Van Hauwaert 81% 项目3255的徽章级别为81%
3256 Bynar

Server remediation as a service

https://github.com/Comcast/Bynar Apache-2.0 Sravanthi 15% 项目3256的徽章级别为15%
3257 Caocao


https://github.com/enzo-sun/Caocao enzo 10% 项目3257的徽章级别为10%
3259 go_crud

simple app like postman

https://github.com/syronz/go_crud MIT Diako Sharifi 15% 项目3259的徽章级别为15%
3260 crossplane

The cloud native control plane framework

https://crossplane.io Apache-2.0 Nic Cope 2024-01-12 09:37:36 105% 项目3260的徽章级别为105%
3261 hkvpn-infrastructure

Automates HK VPN server provisioning and configurations. Made with ❤

https://github.com/ayltai/hkvpn-infrastructure MIT Alan Tai 82% 项目3261的徽章级别为82%
3262 spice

A lightweight image processing library

https://janhett.github.io/spice GPL-3.0 Jan Hettenkofer 2019-10-28 23:05:16 107% 项目3262的徽章级别为107%
3263 isitfit

CLI to measure an AWS EC2 account's usage and optimize it

https://isitfit.autofitcloud.com Apache-2.0 Shadi Akiki 16% 项目3263的徽章级别为16%
3264 tqdm

A Fast, Extensible Progress Bar for Python and CLI

https://tqdm.github.io OTHER Casper da Costa-Luis 2019-10-11 15:52:20 109% 项目3264的徽章级别为109%
3265 techsquids https://github.com/reethified/techsquids Rahul Sharma 10% 项目3265的徽章级别为10%
3266 ipf

Open eHealth Integration Platform

http://oehf.github.io/ipf-docs Apache-2.0 Thomas Papke 16% 项目3266的徽章级别为16%
3267 pp

PushPanel CLI Framework

https://github.com/spagu/pp BSD-3-Clause spagu 70% 项目3267的徽章级别为70%
3269 wordpress-sqrl-login

SQRL Login WordPress plugin

https://wordpress.org/plugins/sqrl-login MIT Daniel Persson 2019-11-01 09:37:16 105% 项目3269的徽章级别为105%
3270 secure-quick-reliable-login

This repository is an implementation for SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) on Android.

https://github.com/kalaspuffar/secure-quick-reliable-login MIT Daniel Persson 75% 项目3270的徽章级别为75%
3271 Noob Docs

Noob Docs is a complete Git Powered Documentation System meaning it is a place where all documentations that have ever seemed make no sense become a...

https://github.com/th3n00bc0d3r/noobdocs GPL-3.0-or-later Muhammad Bilal 99% 项目3271的徽章级别为99%
3272 ghctl

Github CLI management tool

https://github.com/amirashad/ghctl MIT Rashad Amirjanov 16% 项目3272的徽章级别为16%
3273 Textile Language Features

Full featured document preview for the Textile markup language for VSCode IDE.

https://github.com/GehDoc/vscode-textile-preview MIT Gérald Hameau 96% 项目3273的徽章级别为96%
3274 pyrx https://sourceforge.net/projects/pyrx Sarkis Dallakian 3% 项目3274的徽章级别为3%
3275 s3-proxy

S3 Proxy

https://github.com/oxyno-zeta/s3-proxy Apache-2.0 Havrileck Alexandre 21% 项目3275的徽章级别为21%
3277 akka-serial

Reactive serial communication library for Akka and Scala.

https://jodersky.github.io/akka-serial BSD-3-Clause Jakob Odersky 21% 项目3277的徽章级别为21%
3278 program_options

a simple program options parser in C++

https://github.com/liu0hy/program_options MIT liu0hy 18% 项目3278的徽章级别为18%
3279 fiware-aiakos

Server with public API to manage ssh/gpg keys for the support user.

Apache-2.0 Fernando López Aguilar 16% 项目3279的徽章级别为16%
3280 hanabi http://hanabi.fosslab.uk Joseph Walton-Rivers 1% 项目3280的徽章级别为1%
3281 j2static https://git.fossgalaxy.com/open-source/j2static Joseph Walton-Rivers 3% 项目3281的徽章级别为3%
3282 Comet https://git.fossgalaxy.com/iggi/Comet Joseph Walton-Rivers 3% 项目3282的徽章级别为3%

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